🪐Chapter Twenty-Nine🪐

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"Don't be afraid to leave it all behind"


Chapter Twenty-Nine


Today marked two years of the clone wars. Two years of senseless fighting and death on the part of the Jedi for the reunification of a corrupt senate. Every day those close to you died and every day you lost your faith in the Republic more and more.

How were you celebrating this momentous occasion? By leaving behind and subsequently losing everything you had ever known.

It began, of course, on a mission. Quinlan had called in a favor you owed him. Since the beginning of the war, he and Master Tholme had been covertly looking into the senate and the mystery behind the creation of the Vode. As thanks for their continued work, you assisted them with Shadow work on occasion. Today you had taken down a budding slave ring in the underground.

Officially you were on leave due to medical reasons in order to keep the mission top secret, and now because of your and Quinlan's quick thinking and good undercover skills, you had an extra two days off before your "medical leave" was over and you had to return to the front.

So in spite of the fact that the day would live in infamy as the beginning of the end for the true Republic and the current Jedi Order, you were actually in quite high spirits. The Force, forever a cruel master, seemed to laugh at you for this and revealed a devastating newscast as soon as you came up from the lower levels.

Ahsoka Tano: Wanted for Terrorism

Pulling your comm from your pocket, you immediately messaged Obi-Wan. You had closed off the bond when you were undercover, but now that it was open again you could see everyone else was already shielding. Could no one in this family communicate?


"What the nersh is happening?" You cried out, ignoring the strange looked you got from a passerby, "I leave for a week and all of the sudden Ahsoka is wanted for terrorism?"

"The Council believes that Ahsoka bombed the Jedi Temple. It killed many workers and injured even more."

"You know as well as I that she wasn't behind that."

"Yes, however, the only people who are able to see sense are Kit and Plo. Everyone else is completely convinced she has done it. There is evidence pointing to her guilt but it's all circumstantial. Just a few hours ago she was supposedly seen Force choking out the prime subject in her cell. An hour ago she managed to escape. She's currently on the run and Anakin is out looking for her."

"He's going to destroy their relationship in the process. Obi-Wan, please do your best to convince the Council that she is innocent."

"Rest assured I'm doing everything I can. The Council is... I don't understand what's going on. They've completely lost their way."

Frowning, you ended the call with a simple, "I'm going to find our daughter."

Slipping into a dark alleyway, you closed your eyes and reached out into the Force. The bond was still slightly shielded, but you poked it anyway. Ahsoka lowered her shield just enough to send impressions through, but not enough to reveal her location. The fact that she didn't trust you broke your heart.


Ahsoka, I know you didn't do this. I swear to you that everything is going to be okay, but I need you to trust me. Please, tell me where you are.

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