🪐Chapter Twenty-Two🪐

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"mouthfuls of darkness only fuel a broken mind"


Chapter Twenty-Two


The Force was stirring, raging truly. Something was coming that would change the shape of the universe, though how you weren't exactly sure yet. It would be bad, terrible, but there was a chance- a tiny chance, that it could be changed. If only you knew what was going on.

Currently, you were in the middle of a space battle. You had briefly been meeting with Anakin and Obi-Wan as all of your paths conveniently intersected, but then you ran into a Separatist warship led by Ventress and things had fallen apart from there.

You, Obi-Wan, and Anakin had jumped into space fighters when the fight began to assist your forces. The three of you were sticking close together in order to watch each other's backs, though that idea changed when a blaster shot barely missed your ship. R3 whistled a report from the front of your ship.

"Ventress!" You called out a warning, "Split up!"

The three of you flew different ways. Obi-Wan went right, Anakin went left, and you kept going straight. The battle ships that flew with Ventress followed you and Anakin, but Ventress herself went after Obi-Wan.

"Looks like I'm her favorite!"

"I'm kind of disappointed. Only the droids follow me."

Swinging your ship down, you skimmed along the top of one of the Separatist ships. One of the three droid ships trailing you hit one of their guns and exploded, leaving you with two. Turning sharply to the side, you narrowly fit between several external shield generators, taking out the second. With one left, you swung a right and then went down. You were heading straight for a droid battleship occupied with Republic forces. Right before you hit the ship, you pulled up, leaving the ship following you to hit their comrade and explode.

"I'm going to need some help," Obi-Wan said through the comms.

"Where are you?"

"I'm hit! I'm heading towards the Separatist flagship."

Accelerating, you tracked down the flagship and flew toward it. Anakin came up beside you and shot at Ventress' ship, delivering a critical hit to the engine and sending her into the same hangar as Obi-Wan.

Landing in the hangar, you opened your ship port and jumped out with your hand on your saber. Obi-Wan pushed his port open with the Force and climbed out. Anakin nearly crashed his ship into the hangar and leaped out with R2 just behind him.

"What an entrance, Anakin," Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.

Ventress' ship opened and she climbed out, holding her ribs.

"Ventress. You're not looking well."

"She never does."

Anguish was leaching into her Force signature. It wasn't necessarily physical, but rather mental- emotional. Something had happened recently that had sent her spiraling. You found yourself pitying her. She had never revealed herself like this. Though you couldn't bring yourself to feel much pity. You remembered what she did to Obi-Wan and Alpha 17 early on in the war- the spiral she had sent you down as a result. She was despicable, but not completely gone.

"Ventress, come peacefully," you ignited your saber, "No harm has to come to you, and you are in no state to duel."

"I'll never come with you, Jedi," Ventress hissed, pulling her sabers from her belt and striking.

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