Chapter Six

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'Loyalty isn't grey. It's either black or white. You're either loyal completely or not loyal at all.'


"Ah, that's a loss of an earring but it's okay. That jerk is a bigger problem." A voice piped in.

Nandini turned around to see Mrs. Saxena standing at her bedroom door. She hadn't told Alya's mother about the challenge or Manik's plan. How did she get to know?

"Your door was open so I came in. Anyway, I understand Harsh was a jerk for backing out at the last minute but holding your head high and walking like a true lady is very important, Nandini. Don't break those earrings for a silly old man." Mrs. Saxena continued as she walked inside the room.

Nandini stood up from the bed and heaved a sigh of relief.

Ayyappa! She isn't aware of the challenge. Thank you, thank you, thank you! She mentally thanked her God and smiled at Mrs. Saxena who raised her politely curved eyebrow in response.

Nandini cleared her throat and nodded. "Uh... right. Harsh Jain. Yes, auntie. He is getting a divorce. A wedding will be hard on him," she uttered.

Mrs. Zara Saxena sighed. "I heard. What baffles me is his wife! He worked for Alya's father for ten long years and I never saw his wife or him fighting! Do you have any idea what might have made them take this decision?" She questioned as she crossed her arms around her chest and sat on the yellow bean bag chair.

Damn Manik for spoiling everything she has worked so hard for! This wedding is going to be covered by media and Miss Marie D'Souza is going to interview them. What will they do without a caterer?!

Nandini quickly shook her head, afraid she might blurt out Manik's name and get in trouble for interacting with him.

Mrs. Saxena sighed again and grabbed the invitation card sample from the side table, flipping through the pages. "This is going to be difficult. I promised Ashish I will plan a grand wedding for our darling daughter but so far, he is going to be so disappointed in me." She blinked her eyes repeatedly, trying to hide the unshed tears.

Anyone could see how much she missed her late husband. He had died fighting a tough battle with cystic fibrosis. The man was always laughing and despite belonging to one of the wealthiest families of the city, he had worked his way to the top. If Mrs. Saxena was Nandini's role-model, her husband was the inspiration.

Nandini looked at the ground, remembering how lovely the man was. He had guided her on managing her finances and had always answered her questions like a father would. Even though she knew him for a very short duration of time, she knew he was a gem of a man. Her thoughts broke when Mrs. Saxena spoke again.

"How did your meeting with the new caterer go?"

Nandini's eyes widened and she jumped on the spot. "New caterer? Oh shoot!" She stared at the light green shag carpet of her room, wishing the ground would open up and swallow her.

Ugh! Malhotra! She cursed despite knowing this was her fault and the man in question had no role to play.

"You forgot?" Mrs. Saxena's volume rose. "What else could go wrong in this wedding! They won't have a rescheduling. They take these things very seriously no matter the amount of money we pay."

"I am sorry aunty, I was meeting Manik and then I forgot—" Nandini bit her lips, slapping herself mentally for blurting out his name.

Mrs. Saxena was quick to turn her head and question, her tone stern. "May I ask why you were meeting Manik ? I thought I told you to keep him away from the wedding and Alya."

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