Chapter 4- Suprise!

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Thanks for everyones support btw, i really appreciate everyone. You guys helped motivate me, so here ya go!
also bonus picture of my cat heheh

No ones pov

Qibli was awoken by a silent hum from a few rooms down, assuming that breakfast was being cooked. He looked down to see that Winter was nuzzled into the smaller dragon's neck, his pale body snaked around Qiblis like a koala. Qibli sighed, looking around and not wanting to start the day by embarrassing Winter. He gave the pale dragon one last hug before pulling away and throwing a blanket onto Winter, snickering as his eyes opened meticulously.

"...what" Winter scowled, tapping his tail impatiently on the floor. "Rise and shine, snow face! Breakfast is almost done. I was tempted to let you sleep for longer because of your adorable face, but-" Qiblis jaw was snapped shut by a cold claw, Winter lunging out of the blankets with a growl. "You're so dumb..." Winter hissed, not noticing the deep blue that slowly danced across his cheeks.

Qibli gave him a playful grin as the ice blue dragon sighed in defeat. "Alright, alright, im hungry anyways so lets go, you lizard." Winter said with a grunt as he shook out his wings, flexing them a bit before walking over to the doorway and waiting for Qibli. "Okie dokie, you're the boss~" Qubli replied with a hum. Winter rolled his eyes and watched the sand colored dragon leave the room, slowly following behind him.

Winters tail jumped impatiently as they trotted down the hallway, eventually reaching what he assumed was the cafeteria. The smell of roasted lizards, fried hawks, and boiled cacti filled their noses. Winter thought the food was odd, but all together smelt really good. Qiblis tail wagged in anticipation, dragging Winter with his wing over to the food table and grabbing a plate for him and the IceWing.

The pale dragon snatched the plate out of Qiblis talon, "I can get my own food, sand brain." Winter said with a growl. "Okay, okay! I was trying to be nice, big man." Qibli said playfully, Winter grimacing at the nickname 'Big man'. Winter's mouth watered at the sight of hawk, he hasn't had hawk since his last time in the Ice Kingdom. It wasn't cooked, of course, but it was still special.

Winter grabbed a few hawks and cacti, not being fond of plants but the smell reminding him of the rainforest. There were bowls of water, milk, and what Winter assumed was cactus juice, spiralled on the table next to them. Qibli grabbed a bit of everything before pulling Winter next to him at the drink table and giving him a toothy smile.

Winter scoffed and grabbed a bowl of water, taking a sip and unknowingly leaning into the warmer dragons embrace. The pale dragons mouth was greeted with ice cold water, which suprised him to say the least. Qibli dragged him over to one of the tables in the corner, each of them sitting on either side of the wooded frame.

"Oh my stars, its like we're on a date!" Qibli said before being smacked by a blushing IceWing and bursting out laughing. "You're such an idiot..." Winter stuttered out, angrily taking a sip of water before tapping his tail impatiently. "Aww come on icy-boo, you know you love me~!" Qibli continued, his confidence rising as he playfully looked Winter in the eyes. Winter scoffed and looked away, his cheeks painted with a deep blue which reminded Qibli of an arctic storm.

Winter grunted as Qibli hummed in victory, them both finishing their food with more bickering and playful "i love you~"'s from Qibli's side of the table. The sand colored dragon took both their plates and cups, humming as he set them on a third table, which seemed to be where dirty dishes went. He continued to drag Winter to only moons know where, a defeated sigh being let out by the IceWing.

They arrived at a fancy looking room, with a beautiful tapestry being used as a curtain. Qibli rang a bell next to the well-made cloth, his tail dancing in excitement for moons knows what reason. "Queen Thorn i have a request-!" Qibli said, trying to act formal but not being able to hold the excitement in his voice.

There was a hearty chuckle that echoed from the room, "Come in Qibli, and i told you you don't need to be formal around me, you sand brain." Said a female voice, who seemed to be in the same situation as Qibli as she tried to hold in her excited laughter. Qiblis ears spiked up as he turned to look at a curious Winter, "Stay here big man, I'll be right back-!" Qibli exclaimed as he pranced into the fancy room. Winter snorted a laugh at the nickname 'big man' again, rolling his eyes and smirking playfully.

Silent conversation echoed from the inside of the decorated room, Winter's mind spiraling. "Jeez... do i actually like him? Why is the the only thing i end up thinking about? Not to mention last night... maybe Qibli really didn't realise i was hugging him? Maybe he just didn't want to embarrass me...i don't know...maybe...maybe i-"

The IceWings thoughts were interrupted by Qibli bursting out the room, bouncing off his talons and getting close to Winters cold face. "C'mon, c'mon! I have a place to show you!" He exclaimed, pulling a blushing Winter around the Stronghold with his wing. Winter chuckled for a bit and stopped as they reached the entrance, giving the IceWing a beaming smile as they continued slowly out the door of the temple

Their scales were met with a blistering sun, Winter spreading his wings and trying to get used to the feeling. Qibli sighed and widened his whole body, his scales taking in every inch of the sun. "Okay, okay-" Qibli started, trying to focus on what he was trying to do before "We have all day to make it to the spot i want, so c'mon, c'mon! We gotta make it before sundown!" Qibli exclaimed, pulling on Winters arm and the IceWing sighing in defeat.

Qibli hummed in approval as he spread his wings, pulling the IceWings arm upwards and urging him to get ready to fly. "Get ready big man, this is a long trip! Lets go, lets-" The SandWing was cut off "Okay, okay I'm coming you idiot!" Winter said as Qibli chuckled, rolling his eyes. They both flapped their wings and found an air current, surfing down the dunes and flying up into the air to get a better view. The sun sparkled off of Winter scales, almost blinding Qibli as sunrays danced off the pale dragon every time he flapped his wings

Winter seemed to be lost in thought, Qibli admiring his scales as he slowly started flying down on accident. "Qibli, where are you going-?" Winter asked, blushing as he realised the SandWing was looking at him.
"Oops, sorry i didn't realize i was moving downwards heheh" Qibli stuttered out as he flew back up next to Winter. He gave him another toothy smile and Winter smirked, rolling his eyes.

Winters wings grew tired, as they were both flying for about 3 hours now. He was scared to tell Qibli, but maybe he would understand? He sighed and looked over at the SandWing who was humming a playful song. "Hey...Qibli my wings hurt" he said angrily, Qibli glancing at him and thinking for a moment. "Hmmm...ohh, there's an oasis just a few minutes ahead! Its only about an hour away from our destination, we could rest there for a bit." Qibli said, giving Winter an apologetic look at Winter sighed and pumped his wings a few more times.

Minutes pass as Qibli grabbed his talon suddenly and looked up at Winter. "Ahh, the oasis is just down there! C'mon!" Qibli yelled as he dragged them downwards, Winter yelping as he lost his balance and stumbled against Qibli. They were soaring down quickly, Winter gasping as Qibli flipped their positions and the SandWing gripping him to his chest. once they were a few feet from the ground, Qibli wrapped his wings around Winter as the crashed into the wet sand below them, water from the oasis splashing in their faces.

Qibli turned Winter over, seeing that he was ok and sighing in relief. He realized the IceWing was giving a disappointingly pained look, Qibli just chuckled "Heheh, sorry~" The SandWing hummed as Winter growled and pushed Qibli off him. "Idiot..." He grumbled

AHAHAHA im leaving a cliffhanger because i have school, BUT, i will write the other part afterwards!
Again, thanks for the support everyone. There will be more chapters definitely :D
remember to take care of yourself, ceya later!

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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