Chapter 2- Nightmares

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There is lots of angst in this chapter so

TW: ⚠️heavy gore!!⚠️

Winters Pov-

Winter rested his head on his talons. The soft fabric below him felt nice on his cool scales, to be honest he didn't expect the SandWing Stronghold to have such fine silk. A few minutes ago Qibli and Winter were following the lazy guard to his guest room, and once they got there he offered for Winter to go to bed. He agreed and Qibli wished him goodnight. Well, more specifically Qibli said "Have a good rest, Frosty~" jokingly to him. Winter just rolled his eyes and waved a talon towards him, signaling Qibli to leave. Qibli snickered and walked off, shutting the heavy door behind him.
Winter sighed and flipped onto his side, stretching his glistening wings across the blanket soon touching the sandstone floor. He positioned himself comfortably and hugged an extra blanket Qibli lended him, soon drifting off to sleep.
Winter's eyes snapped open, waking up in a damp cave. He spun his head in confusion, only to be greeted by a chilling laugh. He soon noticed his talons chained to the ground, making him unable to move. A huge dragon melted from the shadows, taking up mostly all of the cave's space. 'Darkstalker...' Winter said in his mind. He choked back a sob as the giant dragon flicked his tail in amusement. "What do you want from me!" Winter yelled coldly, trying to fight the chains that pinned him down. He knew there was no point, but his adrenaline said otherwise.
"Oh, Winter...isn't it obvious? I'm here to punish you. You're so toxic to your know Qibli only invited you because he felt bad, right? And notice how Moonwatcher hasn't sent you any's sad, really..." Darkstalker said in a mockingly sad tone. Winter couldn't hold back his screams. His tail thrashed, whipping at the cold, damp rock behind him. "Thats...not true-" He was cut off by his own sobs. This was embarrassing...he could take it anymore. "So your going to deny it, huh? After the way you've acted towards them...towards anyone, really...including your family." Darkstalker knew that that would upset the weeping dragon.
Winter was breaking down. "I-I don't want to be here anymore...I think everyone would be better without me...I-" His voice cracked, he was cold, Winter wanted to throw up. "They don't need me. I should just...I should..." Winter sank to the ground, his talons dighing into the ground below him. "Die?" Darkstalker said in a surprisingly happy tone. "I can take care of that..." Darkstalker flicked his talon towards Winter with a smirk. " out your tongue." Darkstalker said coldly. Winter didn't have any choice but to obey. 'Animus magic...he can make me do whatever he wants.' Winter thought as his eyes widened with fear. The chains disappeared from his wrists, his talon immediately reaching towards his snout. Horror filled Winters face, not being able to process what was happening. "But...before I kill you, I want to have fun with it atleast..." Darkstalker said, somewhat emotionless considering the situation. 'He's going to kill me the exact way he killed his father...what a horrible fate'
Winter shrieked in pain as his tongue was removed from his mouth, blue blood staining his mouth and talons. The tongue left a puddle of blood on the cave floor, glistening like deadly a deadly sapphire. Winter looked at his talons. Tears dripped onto the horrifying puddle below him, making it bigger by the second. Darkstalker gave him an amused smile. " open your stomach. Pour your life into this cave." Darkstalker said with another wave of his huge black talons.
Winter braced for impact as his talons made their way to his rib cage.
'This...this is it...' Winter laughed hysterically, not believing what was about to happen to him. His laughter soon turned into shrieks as his talons dug into his underbelly, pouring into the glittering pool of blood in front of him.

Qiblis Pov-

Qibli woke up to the sound of a loud knocking on his door. He could have swore that he heard a loud noise earlier, but he chose to ignore it. He slowly got up and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up a bit. He was cautious opening the door, peeking through the crack before opening. Blue scales. It was Winter.
He swung the door open, wondering what Winter wanted at the end of the night. To his surprise, Winter seemed to be...crying? "Woah, hey, are you crying? What happened-" He was cut off by Winter tapping Qiblis snout with his talon. "Shut it, sand-for-brains. I'm not *sniff* crying, i just...had a nightmare..." Winter looked down in defeat, knowing that Qibli knew he was lying about not crying.
"Oh, I see..." Qibli said, looking into Winters watering eyes. 'Well, it must have been one hell of a dream to make Winter cry...maybe i should offer for him to sleep in my room...' Qibli answered his own question.
"Say, would you like to sleep in my room? You might be able to sleep easily...and having a bad sleep schedule isn't going to help your stress," Qibli beckoned him into the room, and Winter stomped in, not liking how vulnerable he was right now. "Fine, I'll sleep in here, but dont think I'm too happy about it..." Winter said while looking at the floor in defeat. "You can have my bed, i can sleep on the rug. Trust me, you need it more," Qibli said in a kind tone. Qibli smirked "Unless you would like to sleep in the bed together, Frosty~" Qibli said jokingly. Well in reality, he was only half joking...he didn't mind sleeping next to Winter.
The ice dragon scoffed. "As if, you sand snorter," Winter layed down on the bed, wrapping his tail around his talons while trying to get comfortable. Qibli was somewhat disappointed, but what else did he expect from Winter. "Alright, suit yourself," Qibli said with a chuckle. He noticed that the ice dragon already seemed to be drifting off to sleep. 'You know, he looks kinda peaceful in his sleep, unlike his personality.' Qibli thought to himself as he settled down on the rug, tucking his wings in and planting his talons under his chin.
A few moments later he heard small weeps coming from Winters direction. The ice dragon seemed to be breathing heavily, as if in pain. Qibli got up and trotted over to Winter to see what was wrong. As soon as Qibli touched his shoulder, Winter shrieked and curled into a ball. He couldn't make out what winter was trying to say, but Winter was clenching his stomach, as if to protect it.
'I have to wake him up.' Qibli said, taking a deep breath. 'Waking him up violently doesn't seem like a good idea...maybe I should...comfort him.'
Qibli sat on the other side of the bed behind Winter. The poor dragon was still sobbing and shaking, saying something like "I want to die" or "just kill me...please".
Qiblis heart sank. 'Oh no, Winter...' He thought, his eyes starting to water as well.
He carefully stretched a warm wing over Winter. Covering the shaking dragon's body wasn't hard when he was curled up like that, so Qibli inched closer to meet Winters pained face. Winter's body tensed up, but he seemed to stop shaking. It seemed like he was waiting for something to happen, but nothing did. His face relaxed and so did his talons that were currently ripping up Qiblis nice blanket. Qibli moved a bit closer, taking Winter's snout and pressing it against his. "It's ok, Winter. You're ok. Everything is are safe, and so am I. Qiblis here for you..." Qibli said in a soothing voice, which seemed to work. Winter's whole body relaxed, and he gave into Qiblis warm embrace. "Qi...thank you, Qibli..." Winter mumbled, taking his talon and grabbing Qiblis. His face got red. They were holding *talons*. How great was that!
Qibli smiled one last time and closed his eyes, soon drifting off to sleep with Winter by his side.

Aight thats pretty much it
A new chapter will probably come out each day or smth
I kinda wanna do a fluff chapter next so I'll probably do that haha
Anyways ceya

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