Chapter 1- Talk to me, Winter...

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Winters Pov-

"Ahem...I have a letter for, er, Prince Winter of the IceWings" Winter snapped his head up, looking over his shoulder to be greeted with the kind but nervous face of a messenger dragon. "Yes, thats me, thank you." The messenger had sand colored scales and bright vermilion wings. Her underbelly was a lighter red, similar to the inside of a strawberry. "Sorry I'm a bit late, i was supposed to get here earlier but there were some weather issues..." The pale dragon handed him the note and awkwardly looked away in embarrassment. "Its no problem..." Winter said, shooting her a polite smile. She shyly smiled back and they exchanged goodbyes. Winter would rather wake up now than in the middle of the night anyway, so he didn't mind if the note was late. The strawberry dragons wings clashed with the sunrise that was slowly peaking out of the canopy as she flew off. Winter careful opened the scroll, peeling the wax seal off and trying not to damage the thin paper. Winter was happy to finally see Qiblis handwriting again. It was jagged and rushed, with a few ink spills here and there, which made Winter chuckle. His face lit up as he read the messy note stating that it was ok for him to visit. Winters tail twiched with excitment and impatience, wanting to see Qibli as soon as he could. His stomach felt strange, maybe he was just hungry...
Winter grabbed his saddlebag and packed a few things: A lizard plushie Winter bought from one of the RainWing merchants as a gift to Qibli, some fresh fruit, new scrolls about scavengers he was hoping to read with Qibli, and a container of water. He said his goodbyes to the RainWings and NightWings (including Peacemaker, as much as he hated to admit it) and set off twords the orange colored sky ahead of him.

Qiblis Pov-
Qibli paced impatiently around his room, awaiting Winters arrival. His anxiety was skyrocketing and his heart was pounding. 'What if Winter ends up miserable here? Or what if i end up pissing him off? Okay, Qibli, stay calm. You got this, you've annoyed Winter plenty of times and he still ends up staying with you-' Qiblis thoughts were cut off by a knocking on his door. "I- Come in!" Qibli yelled in the direction of the door. A SandWing guard emerged, looking tired and somewhat done with life...
"Your friend Prince Winter has arrived, sir..." The guard mumbled, yawning and somewhat cutting his sentence off. "Oh, thank you, I'll be right out." Qibli replied, tidying up his desk a bit. The SandWing guard yawned once more and slowly closed the door, grunting as he stepped on his tail in the process. Qibli choked back a laugh, almost spilling the jar of red ink he was moving. He looked in the mirror once more and sighed, 'I can do this. It will be great, this will be the most fun he has ever had.' Qibli thought to himself as he made his way to the front entrance. He knoded to a few guards on his way, trying to be polite as he sprinted through the hallways. The moment he made it to the main entrance, it was obvious where Winter was. His bright blue scales clashed with the yellow and gold aesthetic of the Stronghold. His eyes looked like a dark arctic sky trapped in beautiful clear orbs, shining in the light of the lanters that were spread around the room. His icy blue scales were entrancing, overlapping over eachother like sharp but fragile glaciers. His underbelly was as white as the purest snow, glittering with his other beautiful scales. Everything about Winter was perfect, like he was carved out of the finest ice.
Qiblis face got really hot and his knees felt week. He couldn't express how much he loved this dragon with words. 'Keep cool Qibli, you can tell him when the time is right' Qibli trotted over to Winter, being well aware of how red his face was. Winter glanced over at Qibli, which made his face even more red. Winters tail seemed to twich in excitment. Atleast, Qibli hoped it was excitment, for all he knew it could be out of annoyance.
"Heya Frosty" Qibli said, winking at Winter as he sat down next to him. Winter gave him a disappointing look. "I see you haven't changed at all, you cactus sniffer." Winter said snickering. Qibli smiled, not being able to contain his excitement. "It's good to see ya again, Winter." He pulled Winter in for a hug, his cool scales relieving him of the hotness of the desert. Winter snorted, but accepted the hug anyway, folding their wings around each other.
"So, what have you been up to?" Winter asked, recoiling from the hug. Qibli wanted to hold him for longer, but he guessed that Winter would see that as strange. "Not much... helping Thorne out with new arrangements but thats pretty much it." Qibli looked back up at Winters eyes, never wanting to look away from the sparkling dragon. He noticed something...was Winters face turning blue? Is that an IceWings way of blushing? Well, they do have blue blood, so i guess it would make sense...
Wait, Winter...blushing? Qibli couldn't believe it. Maybe Winter did have feelings for Qibli and he was just completely clueless. 'Don't get your hopes up, Qibli. Its probably just really hot for him.'
"So do ya wanna head to my room? There isn't much to do there but we can talk and stuff..." Qibli said, feeling somewhat awkward. "Sure..." Winter said, blowing a bit of frost on his wings to cool down. They made their way down the halls, Winter admiring the tapestries and paintings as they passed. "Oh hey, this is it" Qibli said, grabbing the key around his neck and unlocking the door. They both walked into the room, Winter admiring the things hanging from his wall: A map of the continent, a single lanter to light up the room, and a few drawings of different animals.
"It isn't much but...its home" Qibli said, clawing at the rug below him. He saw Winter eyeing his drums, smirking. "Do you...wanna try playing them?" Qibli said, trotting over and placing them infront of Winter. "No thanks, i don't participate in such...low class hobbies" Winter said. Qibli could tell it was a lie, of course, but he respected Winters wishes of not wanting to be embarrassed.
"So...why did you want to visit anyway?" Qibli said, trying to start up a conversation. Winter looked down at the rug below them with sad eyes. 'Something is definitely bothering him' Qibli thought to himself
" to me. I know you keep your feelings hidden because you think they make you weak but...they don't. Please, can't keep on ignoring how you feel-" Qibli just now noticed that the ice dragon was crying half-frozen tears. "Qibli I- I dont know what to do." Winters voice cracked as he spoke. You could hear the pain in his voice. "After everything that happened, Qibli. My f-family hates me even more and i-" Winter was abruptly stopped by more sobs. Qibli stared at him in awe, he had never seen Winter so vulnerable. "Hey, hey, bud, its okay...let it all out, I'm here..." Qibli wrapped a warm wing around him, and Winter slowly eased into the hug.
"And with everything that happened with D-Darkstalker- it was terrifying, Qibli. I have nightterrors every night b-because of it. Everything feels like its going downhill and-" Winter broke into sobs again, digging one of his talons into his skull. Qibli grabbed Winters talon, squeezing it reassuringly. "Winter...i-I think you need some sort of metal support...the trauma is bad enough, but bottling it up has made it worse. Would you-" He was cut off by Winter lunging at him for a hug, his talons dugging into the back of Qiblis neck, holding him close. Qibli couldn't help the redness spreading through his face. Qibli could see his reflection in Winters perfect scales. "Qibli can I- can I stay here?" Winter said, grunting at the end as if he was disappointed in himself for saying that. Qibli smirked and both their faces gor hot. "Of course, Frosty"
They let go of each other and looked at the ground for a while. The same guard from earlier soon came in questioning what all the noise was about. Qibli had to explain Winters mental state, and the panic attack he just had. " there anything else i can do, sir?" The tired-looking guard asked Qibli, trying to keep his eyes open. "Yeah, can you please ask Queen Thorne to have a guest room set up? Winter is going to be staying longer than we thought."
"Yessir..." The guard said with a lazy movement of his talon, walking through the doorway as if there were a million rocks on his back. "Hey Qibli..." Winter said quietly. Qibli turned his head twords him, his ears perked up "You're an idiot." Winter said with a grunt. Qibli tried to hide his disappointment. "'re my," Winter looked like he was struggling with his words, but Qibli was somewhat taken back my Winter calling him...'his'. It was oddly comforting...he wanted to be Winters, and he wanted Winter to be his."What I'm trying to say is thank you," Winter said, pulling Qibli into another hug with his wings. Winter was much larger than him, so his wings were big compared to Qibli. Winters embrace felt like an igloo, cold and dense on the outer walls, yet somewhat warm and comforting on the inside.
Both dragons ducked their heads, trying to hide their blush. Winter soon realised how long he was making the hug, so he slowly recoiled and looked back down at his talons. "That is...the best hug I've ever gotten" Qibli said as his face got redder.
Soon enough the same tired guard popped his head into the room. "You guys asked for a guest room...right?" The guard said with a yawn. "Yep. Thaaaaats us," Qibli said, standing up and beckoning Winter to follow him with his wing. Winter rolled his eyes and stretched his talons while trotting over to Qibli.
"Follow me then..." The guard started walking down the left hallway very slowly. Qibli choked back a laugh, and he could have sworn he heard a small chuckle from Winter. Qibli knew that this was the perfect opportunity to admit his feelings to Winter...and he was willing to take that chance.

Note: wow i made Qiblis pov a lot longer than Winters haha
Next chapter will probably be out tomorrow or something haha

♡~Talk to me~♡⚠️TW⚠️ (Read description)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora