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Art: eneka_san

Veronica's P.O.V

In this time, it was a cold, winter day. I walked on the concrete with my friend, Six. We were talking about how our days went and then moved on to another subject.

"So, wanna come to my house after you do your homework?" Six asked confidently.

"Yeah, after I'm done, we can hang out and then explore winter wonderland at the park!" I said with a smile.

"Yay! Can't wait for you though."

"I know."

"Since it's gonna be just us two, I'm gonna invite Seven and Mono over if you want to."

I turned my head slightly to Six then chuckled softly.

"Naah. I mean, you can, but Seven makes me nervous and plus, he doesn't even like me." I said.

"Aww, then Seven can suck up, and enjoy his time with you because I'm pretty sure he told me he likes you back."

What? Okay, here's the short story, Seven and I are great friends, but after I told him I have feelings for him, he didn't feel the same way and wanted to be friends instead because he liked Six, but Six is dating Mono and I'm having a hard time thinking about Seven's feelings. Plus, Seven and I are barely talking now and then.

"Really? He does??" I asked quickly.

"Of course babygirl! He does like you!"

"Since when?"

"Last month."


"See? I knew you were gonna be shocked."

I stared at her for a moment then looked away.

"You know, Seven probably doesn't like me at all. Maybe you miss heard him?"

"NO! I could've sworn I heard him say that when he told me!" Six responded with a laugh.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

We arrived at our apartments and Six said her goodbye and I did too then we went to our own apartments afterwards.

I sat on my bed and sighed. How can Seven like me even though he friend zoned be two years ago? My tears watered and I'm like, so confused right now. I grabbed my computer out then started to work on my three assignments.

While I kept working, every minute has me thinking about Seven. Even though he's cute and all, I still feel weird and nervous around him and even when I hear his name in a conversation or brought up randomly. I think Six miss heard him. Maybe he likes another Veronica or he likes a different girl. I took a deep breath then kept working, having my mind getting off of Seven.

Just a little...

Later...(time skip)

I put my laptop away then plugged it in for it to charge. I got ready to go meet Six at her apartment and then went out of the room. I knocked at her door and Six opened it with a smile.

"Hi Veronie!" Six exclaimed.

"Heeeey." I smirked.

"Ready to go?"


Sox nodded then came out of the apartment, but she left the door open. I was about to close the door for her, but two guys came out of the apartment.

"Hey Veronica!" Mono smiles.

"H-Hi." I said confusingly.

"Where's Seven?" Six asked.

"Oh he's right he-"

"COMING!!" Seven yelled, bursting out of the apartment, landing on Mono.

"Ow what the fuck Sev?" Mono said.

"Sorry!" Seven laughs.

Six gave me a look then at the boys.

"Guys, quit being gay and let's go to the park!" She said with a little bit of anger.

"Excuse me?!" Mono called.

"You heard what I said, let's go!"

Seven and I looked at each other then I looked away quickly. Damn, I hate making eye contact with guys.

Later, we walked to the park together and I was looking around at the beautiful nature with flowers on the trees and the ones on the ground. We walked to the lake and sat on the large rocks as our seats. I squatted down to the water and threw rocks in the water.

I made some three to four skips with the flat soft rocks. While I kept doing that, a rock was thrown to the water as well, making four skips. I turned my head, seeing Seven.

"You're good at skipping rocks." He said with a smile.

"Thanks. I've been doing this for three years now." I said.

"Nice! The rock I just threw, that was my first longest skip ever!"

"Cool! But, I just think Six is better since she made ten skips once."


"Yeah, she's cool."

There was silence between us. I heard crickets chirp and some fireflies came out while the sun was setting.

"So, uh, Veronica...y-you're really...pretty." Seven blushed.

I blushed as well and smiled.

"Um, thank you." I said shyly.

"Yeaaah, no problem." He chuckles.

I did too and we stood face to face afterwards. Wow, this is really getting awkward. Plus, Seven calling me pretty, is interesting. There was silence between us afterwards, and there nothing I can say. But then, Seven took a a few steps towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and resting his chin on my shoulder. I blushed red and felt confused.

"S-Seven?" I said quietly.

He moved his head away, looking at me in the eyes. I put my hands on his warm chest, feeling his heartbeat. Seven gave me a warm smile, touches my chin with his fingers, then leans in slowly by putting his lips against mine.

Oh my god. I felt myself heat up then close my eyes, having this moment. The kiss lasted for a few minutes, which I'm surprised. Seven slowly pulls away, leaving our faces a few centimeters away.

"Veronica, um, I almost forgot to tell you that I...like you." He said with a warm smile again.

"Y-You do?" I question quickly.

"Yeah, of course I do sweetie~" he chuckles.

I gave a small laugh then push my lips on his this time. Seven puts his hands on my cheeks, pushing them gently with his thumbs. I put my fingers through his hair then pull my kiss away.

"I like you too Sev." I said while blushing again.

"Yeah, I can see that." He smirks.

I chuckled a little then he pulls me to kiss him again. Oh my. Then, he pulls away when Six and Mono came by.

"Wait, are you guys..." her voice trailed off with a huge ass smile on her face.

"YOU GUYS ARE DATING??!!" she squealed.

Mono sighed, and I nodded.

"Um, yeah I guess so?" I said, not sure if Seven and I were.

"There's only one way to find out, cutie." Seven replied gently.

I blushed then he pulls me another kiss again on the lips. Six was cheering and squealing a lot and Mono just clapped with a smile. I was not expecting this to happen for my day, but at least it was lucky to find a soul mate.

♡End Of OneShot♡

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