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“Damn it, I wish I was an only child I," I said to myself as i get into my car.

I drove a little while and get to Ethan and Eve's school. They're so cute, I thought to myself as i open the door for them in the carpool lane, regretting what I had said.

“Hi Pandora!" they said in unison as the climbed into the car

“Hi Ethan, hi Eve, how was school?" I put the car in Drive and slowly make a U-turn into Julis and Jullian school.

“Fine." Eve replies

They talk among themselves while i go pick up Julis and Jullian. I park in the parking lot and tell Eve and Ethan to stay put while I get Julis and Julllian. I knew they would never wait in the carpool lane. Geez middles schoo,kids today, kissing in public. Me, I haven't even gotten MY first kiss yet. That's when I notice Jullian talking with his friends. I slowly walked near and when he noticed me he gave me that "please don't let my friends meet my older sister look" and I got out my phone and texted him

5 minutes Jul, or all your friends are going to get to meet your lovely older sister


I closed my phone and walked around the school to the back to find Julis talking with her friends in an outfit i would NEVER let her leave the house in.

"What are you wearing?" I exclaim walking right up to her

"Um...the fuck are you." I hear one of her "Friends" say

"Calm down, geez it's JUST mini skirt." Julis said to me flipping her hair

" annnd a halter top, no way to the car right now!"

"WHAT the fuck, are you trying to kill my social standard, I’m not going to be a loser like you!"

I grab Julis arm and drag her to the car. “Stop! Help! Rape! Murder!" She screamed as I dragged her. When I got home I’m going to kill her I thought getting redder and redder the minute. Finally i reach the car to see Jullian already there. I opened the door while pushing Jul in.

"Omg you’re ruining my life" she screams at me while pulling out her phone

I ignore her and start the car heading home, deciding to drop off the brats then driving back to the game. I'm home soon and I try and explained the plan to Jul and Jullian, because unfortunately they're the oldest when I’m gone.

"Okay what you’re saying," Juls starts off” is that your leaving us home with these kids so YOU can go do your whatever?"

'Okay please just do this once. Don't tell mum or dad, you can have whatever later 'kay?" I say rushing out the door

"HEY what about me?!" I heard Jullian yell out as I run out

“Don’t worry I’ll give you a twenty!"

I was already driving down to the school when I realizes that my room wasn't locked, so Juls had full access. Forget it I thought to myself as I Parked my car, it's too late to go back now. I quickly run into the girl’s locker room to see everyone almost done changing.

"Hey, Pandora you’re late," I heard a familiar voice call out.

I turn to see my coach, Ms.Whikman's staring dead at me.

"Sorry coach, no excuses, I’ll make it up in the game"

"You better hon, because with all you absentness, you might as well quit."

That was a gab to my heart because I really did love basketball “sorry coach, won't happen again!"

"Better not." she said finally with a sigh, then leaves.

I quickly changed because everyone else was leaving and I didn't want to be the last one left here. I slipped on my sneakers as I ran out the door.

The heat of the game. The excitement I felt when people cheer my name, scoring 2, 3, 4 times. Pulling in a last shot at the buzzer. That's the rush I love, and that's why I love basketball.

The game ended quickly and I already knew I should go, so I tell everyone bye, good game and leave.

"Urgg," I thought to myself as i drove home " Julis probably messed with my stuff.

As I drove into the parking spot. I notice a strange pink glow from my bedroom window, which was in the front of the house. Curious, I parked the car and ran into the house.

"Helllloo, I'm back," I yelled, hanging my coat in the coat closet. It was eerily quiet, and the glow from my bedroom had spread to the kitchen. I walked towards the kitchen slowly, heart rate increasing.

"Hello..?.Ethan, Eve...Jullian,Julis," I said, quietly this time, "where are you guys?"

I had reached the kitchen and started looking through the cupboards. Maybe they where hiding. There underneath the sink was Eve, eyes wide and trembling

"Get away Pandora...You have to get away, something has Julis. It possessed her. ". 

"What do you mean? “I whispered, pulling eve out of the cupboard," where are Ethan and Jillian?" 

Eve's eyes went wide and suddenly she started convulsing. She turned a white as snow, disappearing right before my eyes. 

"Eve...EVE'" I screamed shaking her hard.

As she raised her head to look at me, she said" Pandora...you have to save us. You caused this...your ignorance and impatiens has ruined us. Go back. Read the letter. You need the..." 

Suddenly her voice cut off and she disintegrated right in my hands, an airy light covering her dust. 

What just happened? I couldn't comprehend, no I just wouldn't comprehend. This had to be a dream, stupid crap like this only happened in dreams, stories. 

"Yes dearie, stories, and you just started the cycle of stories.

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