Chapter 2: The beginning

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I woke up shivering the next morning, starving, I looked at the time (6:30), and put on my pink fuzzy hello kitty slippers and dashed downstairs to make some breakfast.  As I walked past the fridge I noticed my mom and dad had left a post-it note. I lifted the post-it note to read what it said-

“Honey where’re not going to be home ‘till 11:00, so make sure to pick up your brothers and sisters from school and make lunch and dinner. Thanks Honey you’re a life saver”


Mom and Dad

Typical my parents I thought to myself, never even thinking about what I had to do only what my sibling have to do. I knew they would forget about my basketball game today, now I have to find a way to skip it.  This day is already starting to suck I thought to myself as I pulled some oatmeal and honey from the pantry. I walked back to the kitchen table set the food aside as I set the table for breakfast.

“BREAKFAST COME AND GET IT!” I screamed hoping Ethan, Eve, Julis, and Jake would wake up without my coming upstairs to wake them up. I waited a while, sighed and went upstairs to wake up my babies (what I called my sibling). My house was an old Victorian my parents got at a discount; it had 5 bedrooms and 2.5 baths.

My younger sibling were Ethan and Eve who had only recently turned 9. They were practically look a like’s of each other even though they are boy and girl. Both had shiny black hair and soft brown eyes that were always innocent, inherited from my dad. The crazy ones were Juils and Jake (14), with platinum blond hair and dark deceitful eyes, inherited from my mom. Everyone had to share a room with someone except me, that was my reward for doing everything in the house..the smallest room in the house.

I bit my lip and told myself to stop complaining because other people gotta have it worse. I stepped in Juils and Eve’s room and loudly stated clapping.


“SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UPPPP!” Julis yelled back pulling the covers over her head

“ I’m up Pandora,” Eve said sweetly.

“Suck up,” Julis spat back at Eve finally getting up.

“Breakfast is downstairs.” I replied to her snappy attitude

The girls quickly ran downstairs while I got the boys up. With everyone up I went into the bathroom to wash up. I pulled back my curly red hair and washed my face, a face everyone says I inherited from my grandma, a woman who had long passed before I was even born. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth.

I went into my bedroom with a cool sensational feeling, like something was covering me but I shook it of and quickly got dressed. Black skinny jeans and a blue peasant top with a black belt. Cute I thought as I grabbed my black converse I’d had for the past 2 years.

“Okay everyone done yet?” I yelled as I climbed down the stairs

No reply.

I stepped into the kitchen to find all the oatmeal finished, even the one I left for myself and all the sink filled with dirty dishes and cups. I ran down to the den (basement) to find everyone watching t.v.

“Okay everyone upstairs NOW, get dressed and be in the kitchen in 20 before you all exasperate me okay?”

 “You’re not my mom so no FUCK YOU” Julis said giving me the finger

“Oh I’m not your mother so if I slap you right now it’s not child abuse, so you better get you ass upstairs NOW before it becomes a problem.”

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