7 Deadly NailPolish: Lust

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 Chapter 1: Choices 

I stared down at the seven last bottles of Infamous Nail Polish. Envy me, Lusty, Sloth Slush, Gluttonous Red, Prideful Pink, Greedy Green and Lastly Revengeful Wrath. All spell binding color were mouthwatering…literally. Being the oldest child of two sets of twins, two girls and two boys, I Pandora wasn’t always used to getting what I want. I was the responsible one, the one that they didn’t need to buy any lavish gifts for.

I knew if I asked they would get it for me because just because of how much of a perfect role model I play but I don’t, I know asking them to buy me a $150.00 pair of nail polish is too crazy. I’m pulled out of my hazy day dream when my best friend Anna grabs my hand and points to an vendor with an  old lady selling the exact same bottles that i was fantasizing about but only for $10.00! All my instincts tell me it’s a scam but I still feel a giddy rush or was it fear….

“Come on, it’s a great deal Panda,” My friend Anna called out as I was walking away from the vendor.

“A, I’ve told you not to call me that in public and B, no way, I barely make any money from working at the diner  as it is so I can’t spare to spend any money on nail polish,” I replied stopping to wait for her to catch up to me.

“Come on Panie Panda I’ll buy it for you, and all you have to do is make me some of your famous caramel brownie. Anyway it’s too late to say no I already bought them while you were skipping out on me.”

I turned and stared at Anna not believing her till she pulled out seven sinful nail polishes out of bag…and handed them to me.

“ANNA, no way can I really have them?” I asked her in disbelief.

“ Sure you can that’s what best friends are for.”

I took the nail polish and hugged Anna hard, I was lucky to have a best friend as sweet as this.

The rest of the day was amazing. Anna and I spent the day walking around and shopping even though as always I ended up not buying anything. I had to save as much as I could these days because being 17, college was coming up and I don't exactly have a college fund .Still had to go home early to make dinner and get everyone ready for school tomorrow.

The only problem was that I couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was seriously wrong. Though before bed I really wanted to use some of the nail polish Anna had gotten me. To tempted I dumped them all out of my bag and organized them. I looked at each of them intensely before deciding that I wanted to use Lusty. Strangely when I picked it up there was a note taped on to it-

        Beware…caution do not use ‘till seven days has pass. For it not seven days has not passed thy sins will be broken. Thy not open any ‘till all seven days pass. The world depends on it. Should thy open thy shall cause destructive havoc..in all that are in thy’s kinship.

I placed the bottle down and read the note again. They had to be joking, like any of this is real..right? I really didn’t care about the note so I picked up some of the nail polish and applied it to my nails. The color was AMAZING, it really made me feel so..sexual. I laughed at myself for letting nail polish change my mood. I looked up my clock and saw it was already 11:43.

“Shit!” I said to myself.

I quickly put everything away and felt like throwing away the note but hesitated. Instead I stuffed it in my jewelry box. Luckily the nail polish was quick dry and it was already set by the time I was in bed. I turned off my lights and feeling sleepy I fell asleep easily.

Hazing red, it is everywhere. Lingerie, boys, and girls with huge boobs? A black haired, blue eyed beauty walks up to me. She wears a hot sexy red dress while I’m wearing some type of slave outfit?

She whispers to me ..”Thank you, you’ve set me freeeee.”

When she smiled all I saw were sharp razor like teeth, getting ready to sink into my flesh...

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