Jonah's pov...

It's been 3 days since I got out of prisión, and am sitting right now on the couch, and am thinking what do I do now. Do I get a job or something or do I go to LA and look for Sidney, I need to know about her, is she fine does she have a boyfriend or... "fuck..." I whisper to myself.

"hey bro what's up, you look a bit down, you ok?" " Eben ask as he takes a sit next to me." no man, I just don't know what to do know "I say as I run my hands thur my hair.

"Eben?" "ya?" he looks at my, "do you remember Anthony?" "ya man we still talk, why?" "oh nothing just wondering" "oh OK, I have some things to do, but if you get hungry there's food in the fridge." "ok thx" "no problem, bye" "bye"

I see as Eben leaves. I get my phone out of my pocket, and log in to Instagram. What was her Instagram name again? Afte a fue minutes I find her profile. I got so excited that I scream "YA BABY, LET'S GOOOO!!!!" I then clicked on her account and I pressed on the first picture and she looked almost the same, the same beautiful smile her cute small nose her big brown eyes and, her prefect body.

Then I see the next picture with a small boy and the foto says (my baby boy I love you) I guess she had a kid I get a good look at the kid and he kinda looked like me when I was a kid, he had the same greenesh eyes, and brown curlely hair. And then it hit me.

Cude dis be my kid, no it can't be she would of told me. I did some more research on him and he was 6 almost 7 I started to do some math in my head and it all came to me, she was pregnant with my baby, but...

She never told me, why? I have to find her and tell her am out of jail, I have to look for her, I started to go deeper into her profile and I see a picture of her with the one and only Daniel Sevey kissing her on the lips, oh so this son of a bich had the balls to go to LA and go back to her after he cheated on her, how can she be so Dume and go back with him.

I got so mad I had to go LA and separate them but first I have to go the gum and get my anger out, I go to my room and chenched to work out clothes and I get out of the house and go to my car and I get in I started to drive after a while I get there I get out of my car and go in then I show him my pass and they let me in I started to go to the punching a bag am not in bad shape I just wanted to get all of my anger out and when I was in prison I usted to go to the gym they had there I started to punch the bag thinking that it was Daniel fase.

After a while I felt some one tap my back so I stop and turn around to see a young man and he looked like someone I knew but I can't remember he then says "Mr. Marais?" "yes how many I help you?" "oh its my corbyn I usted to go in your class" I just lined my head a bit but I don't remember quite yet "sorry I don't remember" I say as I scratch the my neck "Besson corbyn Besson, the one with the frosted tips.... Sidney's best friend" "oh ya hi crobyn ya now I remember you sorry I got a bit confused there" he looked so different he was not that skinny as he used to be and he's taller am sitll a bit taller than him and his hair was brown he looked different now I think it was the hair

"so Mr. Mara-" I cut him by saying "no call me jonah" "oh OK, so jonah nice to see you how are you?" "am good thanks for asking, and how are you?," "am good to, I was wondering if you're free after the gym?" "well yes am free why?" "I was wondering if you would like to go get something to eat after this?"

Him asking me that is weird but I think he just my help me get to Sidney he can even maybe tell what going in her life right now, and maybe tell about how and why she's back with him" sher, I would love to go. " " ok good tell me when you're done ok, I well be in the front doing my stuff". "ok thanks" "no problem" he then leaves and I started to punch to bag....

finding you pt. 2 Of "it's Just A number" 🖤Jmrf🖤Where stories live. Discover now