Part 53

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My mood was crushed today, so bad news is I didn't make any memes today.
Good news is I have a bunch of small videos that I can caption! I like doing this kinda thing because it gives me ideas to animate in the future. So here we go!!

Cuphead: SS Elemental
Mugman: SS Nightmare

Relatable mood.

Streamer: SS Elemental
Random girl: RQ Elemental

RQ: brrrbalammboobulumbumbambaaaaaaaa- *breaks something* :D
SS: -_-

Blonde boy: RQ Elemental
Girl: RQ Sabre

Elemental: *in a minecart* vroom vroom! :3

Leia: RQ Sabre
Luke: RQ Elemental
General Grievous: RQ Void

No comment.

Mark: Elemental
Ethan: Time/Nightmare

Siri: I don't see a father in your contacts.
Elemental: 🙃

Okay okay I'll stop with the Elemental...

Scott: Kate
Girl: Slender
Other guy: CR

I like this horror game called Slender the Arrival lately and got into it again. For more context... Kate jumped out a window when slender man came to visit. 😅

Sorry that's all I got today. Hope you liked this week! Lemme know if you want more.

Bye bye!!

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