Part 57

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I made some memes for last meme saga but they never got in. I'm fine with that, and I might try again on sending them next time depending on the how relevant they are. But anyways here are the memes I made. I'm sorry but yes. They are all Elemental. I'm working to branch out my work I swear!!

I made two versions because I thought die would be too non kid friendly for Sabre and it wouldn't get in 😅

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I made two versions because I thought die would be too non kid friendly for Sabre and it wouldn't get in 😅

I made two versions because I thought die would be too non kid friendly for Sabre and it wouldn't get in 😅

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Elemental: I just

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Elemental: I just... wha... why.. HOW...

Is there still hope?! I dOnT kNoW!!!

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Is there still hope?! I dOnT kNoW!!!

I swear to god this is legit what happens in discord

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I swear to god this is legit what happens in discord. And it's not just with me!!

 And it's not just with me!!

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I'm so proud of this lol

You know people have said Elemental's sacrifice was sadder

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You know people have said Elemental's sacrifice was sadder. And I agree. When it comes to death it's not the realization that's hits me hard, it's the idea of having to say goodbye forever. Yes everyone did say goodbye to Rainbow at his funeral and believe me I did sob, but most of them were content and calm in the matter, where in Elemental's death time refused to let him go and Elemental was just so ready to die... I feel like that hit harder. Just the raw emotion of it all...

That and Elemental is my baby that I have become emotionally attached to.

That and Elemental is my baby that I have become emotionally attached to

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Okay yes. I may have went off the rails on this one. BUT YOU CAN BLAME DISCORD FOR THIS!! I posted a shorter list on discord, and then I kid you not, one after another people started to correct and add to the list!! I swear I'm not insane this might be fact to the fandom here!! 😂😂

Sorry folks that's all I got. I promise I'll cut it back on Elemental. Maybe some memes on the unnamed, or the professor, or maybe that b***h named Hypno who has his days numbered for backstabbing my baby and forcing him to kill himself! 🙂

I'll stop now.

Bye bye!!

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