Part 58

63 3 15

Look at me I made memes about things other than Elemental.... directly! At least I improved a little. The down fall is I made most of them about Hypno. But most people like Hypno for some stupid reason to I guess it's not so bad. If you can tell I don't like Hypno all that much. It's just my opinion so please no one feel offended. 😅

I was so hyped to hear his name, but then Assistant goes REDACTED and I am immediately disappointed

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I was so hyped to hear his name, but then Assistant goes REDACTED and I am immediately disappointed.

I was so hyped to hear his name, but then Assistant goes REDACTED and I am immediately disappointed

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Just a thought. But it wouldn't hurt Hypno to be a little less selfish once in a while. Like congratulations! Your physical form was changed and you murdered the guy that was half responsible. Good for you. Now stop whining about it.


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Sorry. There was this trend going on in the discord and I just had to say it before anyone else did. 😋

Aside from Assistant

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Aside from Assistant. That fake out betrayal though XD

 That fake out betrayal though XD

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I'm sorry he's dead to me!!

Cheeses chris bro he forgave you don't be such a jerk about it

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Cheeses chris bro he forgave you don't be such a jerk about it.

Cheeses chris bro he forgave you don't be such a jerk about it

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No comment. I said what I needed to already.

These next memes I made on photoshop. You can call them comics or what. I prefer the term ⭐️✨Rant Art✨⭐️

 I prefer the term ⭐️✨Rant Art✨⭐️

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Well that's all I got!! See you all when Rainbow Quest Ends

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Well that's all I got!! See you all when Rainbow Quest Ends.

Bye bye!!

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