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~Harry's P.O.V~

I cracked open my eyes and noticed Lexie was still sleeping. She looks so cute. I looked over shoulder too see what time it was. Its was 8:48am. We were leaving to go on tour today. I removed my arm from her waist and sat up. I got out of bed slowly and stretched. I slowly made my way too the door and walked out. I made my way downstairs I was about to walk in the kitchen when I over heard something.

"He wasn't aloud too kiss her!" Niall said.

"Well he did, so theres nothing you can do." Liam said.

"We both agreed that we couldn't make a move on her!" Niall said.

At that moment I walk in.

"Oh ya! Blame it on me!" I snapped at Niall.

"I am blaming you! Your the one who kissed her!" He said.

"If you were me you would've done the same thing!" I said.

"I... No... Am... Ok yes maybe! But I didn't!" He pointed out.

"Ok so? Maybe I did kiss her."

"Twice!" Niall snapped.

"Twice! But i'm sure she likes me! I'm sorry Niall but...." I started but got interrupted by Liam.

"LEXIE! Good morning!" He said loudly looking at us.

~Lexie's P.O.V~

I woke up, but I was alone. Harry was probably already up. I looked at the time 8:57am. I got up and started going downstairs.

"Ok so? Maybe I did kiss her." I over heard Harry say.

"Twice!" Niall snapped.

"Twice! But i'm pretty sure she likes me! I'm sorry Niall but...." As Harry was speaking I walked in the kitchen.

"LEXIE! Good morning!" Liam said loudly, starring at Niall and Harry.

"Auh! Shh! Its morning! Don't be so loud!" I said sitting on a chair.

"Don't shh Liam! Only I can....." Louis started.

"Shh... Don't argue with me. I'm not a morning person so i'll prove you wrong." I said half asleep.

"Well somebody is on her period." Louis mumbled.

"Oh! You did not just go there!" I snapped.

"Whatcha gonna do about it?" He asked.

"You'll see Tomlinson, you'll see! Watch your back." I said putting my head on the table and closing my eyes.

"Oh Lexie your up!" I heard Paul say.

I didn't bother opening my eyes I just waved my hand.

"PAUL!!" Louis whined

"What?" He asked.

"Your niece scares me!!" He said as he jumped on Paul.

"Just go finish packing!" Paul said, pushing Louis off of him.

Louis ran out of the kitchen under a second. He really was superman!

"Auh! The tour is today?" I asked.

"Yupp." Paul said. "By the way I set your alarm on for 8:00am? Did it go on?"

"Pff what? No!" I'n a terrible liar "What time is the buss coming at?" I asked lifting my head and changing subject.

"Amm.. Its gonna be hear in a couple minutes.." Paul said taking a sip of his coffee.

"WAIT! WHAT?" I yelled.

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