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~Lexie's P.O.V~

I opened my eyes but it wasn't sunny? I looked over my shoulder and Harry was sleeping. I removed his hand from waist and sat up. I reached for Harry's phone and looked at the time. 3:36am?! I sighed got up and went towards the kitchen. There was still a tray of pasta on the counter. I decided to eat a little.

~Harry's P.O.V~

I woke up suddenly when I heard a crashing sound and somebody let out a squeak. I jumped out of bed and ran towards the kitchen. I stopped in my steps. I gasped and then bursted out in laughter. Lexie was laying on the floor covered with pasta.

"Babe, what did you do?" I asked still laughing.

"I-I...." She started as she tried too get up but was slipping a little.

"Here." I said sticking out my hand.

"Thanks." She said.

She grabbed my hand and I helped her up.

"Care too explain?" I asked.

"I-I woke up and I felt a little hungry..." She started.

I big smile speared across my lips. She took a breathe and continued talking.

"And I wanted pasta so I made myself a bowl. But while putting pasta in my bowl I dropped some on the floor. I was gonna pick it up later but as I took a step and slipped and fell." She explained looking down.

"Somebody is a little clumsy!" I said with a wink.

She slapped my arm and start to laugh.

"You have a noodle on your head." I pointed out.

She became flush red. She's so cute. I leaned over and took the noodle off head. She giggled a little and blushed.

"What time is it?" I asked yawning.

"When I woke up it was almost 3:40am." She said.

"Oh god!" I said. "I'm going back too bed!"

She did a small smile and turned around too go back too bed. I took about one step when I heard Lexie.

"Harry?" She asked quietly.

I turned and around to face her and the next thing I knew I had pasta in my face.

"LEXIE!" I yelled.

"Yessssss?" She said innocently.

"Don't be innocent! Your gonna get it!" I said as I walked towards her.

I grabbed some pasta that was on the floor, threw it at her but she ducked and I missed.

"Miss me! Miss me! Now you gotta kiss me!" She sang loudly.

I then did a cheeky smile when I realized what she said.

"Wh-what? No, your not kissing me with you face covered with cold pasta and sauce!" She said packing up.

I laughed took a step towards her. She back up a little and started laughing. I grabbed pasta and threw it directly on her lips. She let out a squeak and then a gasp.

"OH! IT'S ON!" She yelled reaching for pasta.

We had a pasta fight in the kitchen. I wanted too run away but I lipped and fell. I heard Lexie burst in uncontrollable laughter.

"Ha! Ha! Very funny!" I said sarcastically.

"You gotta admit! It's kinda funny! Ahahahaha!" She said laughing.

"Ok maybe! Now help me up." I said sticking out my hand.

She helped me up and laughed once I was up.

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