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~Lexie's P.O.V~

"LOUEH!" I screamed while coming down the stairs.

"Erm... Hey..." He said awkwardly.

"Hash!" I said as I sat on the couch.

Louis was just starring around the room and Harry looked nervous.

"Whats going on here?" I asked confused.

"Lex... You have to tell Harry!" Louis said.

Harry's head snapped up and looked at me. I really didn't wanna tell him. Yes maybe I lied about my life going great and blah blah! But I didn't wanna get Harry worried. I didn't even want Louis to know. Or anyone to know!!

"But... Ugh! I DON'T WANT TOO!" I yelled and Harry jumped a little.

"Love..." Louis said sweetly and I looked up into his eyes. "He needs to know ok? If you don't wanna tell him, I will. Your gonna have to say it one day or another, so why not today before it gets even worst."

I nodded my head and looked at Harry. I took deep breathe and started to explain.

"My... My parents called. And they're seriously pissed off and they want me back home. Paul is worried they'll fly ti London and come get me. I don't wanna go! And also... Br-Brad and Jake got my twitter. I don't know why but they keep sending me death treats saying that if I don't go back to Canada they'll find me and beat up. I'm so scared and I never wanted you to know." I said threw the tears and I got up and ran away.

"LEXIE!" Harry and Louis both yelled.

But I completely ignored them as I ran upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom. I crawled into a ball and cried. I heard knocks on the door and Harry and Louis telling me to open but I didn't. I just completely ignored them, even if they sounded really worried.

~Harry's P.O.V~

Its been almost 2 hours Lexie's been locked in the bathroom. We don't hear her cry... I guess thats a good thing!

Wait we don't hear her cry or any sound. Oh no! No! NO!! I got up from the couch and ran upstairs to the bathroom. I tried to open the door, still locked. Louis then appeared next to me with a worried look on his face.

"Harry whats wrong?!" He asked worriedly.


I started to kick the door and so did Louis after about 10 kicks the door flew opened and I ran inside. There she was. The girl I has fallen deeply in love with, lying on the floor with her wrist filled with cuts and an empty bottle of pain killers next to her.

"CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" I yelled at Louis.

He ran out of the bathroom leaving me with her. I got to the floor and started to cry. I can't lose her... I CAN'T!! She can't just leave me! I never felt like this for a girl before and I don't wanna lose her! I was crying and looking at Lexie. I brushed some hair out her face which revealed dry tears on her cheek. I wish I could see her beautiful blue eyes. Thinking I might never see them again killed me.

Its been about 5 minutes and the ambulance arrived. They came in the bathroom took her and brought to the ambulance. I ran outside and luckily there was no paps. I was about to get in the ambulance when the man stopped me.

"I'm sorry you can't come. Your gonna have to follow us with your own car." He said as he closed the door and walked to the passengers seat.

I turned around and saw Louis already in his car. I ran over and jumped in. Louis didn't say anything we just followed the ambulance all the way to the hospital. The car ride was extremely silent. I was crying, a lot and so was Louis. Finally got to the hospital, parked the car and we both ran out. We ran inside the hospital and went directly to the desk.

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