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~Lexie's P.O.V~

"Hello Lexie, i'm Liam!" He said as he went for a hug but I backed away.

"Oh uh sorry..." He said stepping back ackwordly.

"I'm Niall!" He said with a wave.

I simply waved back with a tiny smile on my lips.

"Zayn.." He said shyly.

"I'm Harry!" He said with a wink.

I looked down at my feet, trying to avoid his eyes.

"Am boys? We're Louis?" Paul asked.

"Dont know?" Liam said.


"Get off of me you idiot!" I blurred out.

"Pushy!" Louis said as my feet finaly touched the floor.

"Moron..." I mumbled under my breathe.

I love One Direction! Dont get me wrong! But when people get in my person space I get pissed and not myself.

"Amm... we all heard that!" Harry snapped at me.

I looked at him confussed because he never spoke to me with that tone. After he snapped at me he was smiling and giving high fives. I felt tears coming to my eyes. I knew I was gonna be hurt being near him.

"I knew you were just Harry Styles the famous boyband boy that milions of girls are going crazy for! Not the Harry "Harold" Styles that I met in the plane!" I said with tears in my eyes.

I turned around and ran up too my room.

"STUPID LIFE! STUPID PEOPLE! STUPID HARRY! STUPID PARENTS!" I yelled as I was looking for my blade.

I heard a small knock on my door.

"WHAT?!" I snapped.

The door cracked open revealing none other than Harry.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to act that way, just the boys were around and I..."

"Your like all the other boys! Your all sweet when your alone! When your around friends your a moron thinking your all cool!"

"No I didn't mean it that way..."

"Get out!" I said as I pointed to the door.

"No I want too..."


Harry but his head down and left my room. He didn't close the door though. So I marched up too it and slammed it. I turned around a saw a shiney thing coming from my bag. I walked up too it picked it up and lifted my sleeve. I took a deep breathe and counted too 3.

"1...2...3..." I said calmly and slide the blade across my wrist.

I felt good like it calmed me down. So I did about 10 cuts. I hide my blade under the lamp that was on my night stand. I say there was a lot of bloode. I started to look around for klenex but there was none. I burst my door open and ran to the bathroom and tried opening the door. Locked.

"Auh! Who the hell is in the bathroom!" I asked.

"Am... Me?" Somebody answered

"Oh ya cause there's only 2 people on this planet me and you!" I snapped, panacking because the bloode was slowly sliding down my wrist.

"It's Niall?"

I let out a groan and ran down stairs I turned the corner to go to the kitchen when boom! I ran into someone.

"Auh whatch it!!" I hissed.

"Sorry love, didn't see you there." Liam said.

Liam was ok but I was in a hurry I didn't want him to know my secret or I didn't wanna be nice to him cause hes friends with Harry so he's probably gonna be the same.

"Oh course you didn't! Nobody see's me." I said sadly.

"What do you mean?" He asked worrydly.

"Nothing! None of your buisness! And dont call me Love!" I snapped.

"I.. Umm..." He started but I ran passed him.

"Hey Lexie... You ok?" Paul asked.

"Amm ya perfect quick question...? Wheres a the klenex?" I asked quietly.

"Right behind you?" He said not too sure.

"Oh thanks..." I said.

I grabbed the whole box and ran upstairs too my room. I slammed the door shut and I dropped on the floor and grabbed a few klinex and started too wipe the bloode of my wrist. After 15 minutes they stopped bleeding. But there was some dry bloode on my arm so I got up and walk to the bathroom. I turned the sink water on and started cleaning my arm and hands. Right then Louis walked in. God damn I forgot to lock the door!

"AUHH!!!!" I yelled as I splashed water on his face.

"What the hell?! You dont lock the door and then you spalsh water on my face?! And whats on you arm?" He poited out.

"I.. Amm... You.. Heard me slam my door, right?" I asked

"Do duh!! I'm pretty sure everyone in London did!" He answered.

"Ha. ha. Very funny anyways well I slamed it but scratched my arm

And it did this little scratch!" I said as I pulled down my sleeve so he can only see 1 scratch.

"Oh well let me go check out you doorfram so it wont happen again." He said as he walked towards my room.

"No!" I yelled.

Cause there was nothing on my door frame and he would be onto me. I ran passed Louis and into my room

"I fixed it on my own! You smartass!" I yelled at him before reslamming the door in his face.

"Are you hurt? Cause you slammed the door?" He asked.

I opened the door and look directly into his eyes.

"Oh like you care? Your Louis Tomlinson! You one of the most popular guy on earth! You can do whatever you want but you pretend to care for me? Oh give me a break! Just don't pretend and cut the crap!" I snapped at him.

"But your beautiful! I mean I have a girlfriend but Harry told us about a girl he met on the plane. He had a sparkle in his eyes! He has feeling for you Lexie! And I get him! I mean you curly blonde hair! Those amazing blue eyes which happen to always be red, baby why are you always crying? You pretty, skinny, and probably super smart!" Louis said calmly.

"First, i'm super ugly did you see my face? I just wanna punch a mirror when I see one! Second no duh i'm skinny! And third and i'm a stupid blonde!" I hissed with tears in my eyes.

I slammed the door again and crashed on my bed amd cried for about 10 minutes and I fell asleep. Sleep is always good when i'm in a bad mood. It was peaceful and calm until. I was sleeping but something woke me up. somebody knocked at my door.

Sorry for letting you on a sorts clift hanger!! If somebody could comment and let me know what they think? It would be really and nice and sweet!!:) anyways see you next time I update!!

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