Stuffy nose

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Last night I was racing through a downpour trying to get inside.  But with Metropolis being as busy as New York that didn't happen any time soon. So I got soaked to the core and I knew come tomorrow I'd be sick.

When I made it home I seen that Clark wasn't home yet so I stripped down emptied my pockets and tossed my clothes in the washer before I gather my things and headed to our room and took a hot shower before getting dressed and bundled up.


Now here I am with a stuffy nose, curled up with tissues all over the bed, and a vix vaporizer going to try and help.

I looked a mess. My eyes were puffy, my nose running, and I couldn't breathe. I guess the good thing about being sick is Clark can't get sick and this is a cold nothing catchy.

"Hey baby, you in here" Clark calls out

I groaned knowing he could hear me.

He walked into our room and seen me bundled up as if I was in a blizzard.

"What's wrong? he asked

"I am cold and have a stuffy nose" I replied

"How did you get sick?" he asked

"Caught in the downpour yesterday" I replied

 Then very unattractively blew my nose multipule times and tossed the snotty tissue.

"what had you taken for it?" he asked

I pointed to the medicine I had taken to help and then to the vamporizer.

He walks over and reads the labels

"Have you slept at all?"

"How can I when I can't breath?"

He looks over at me and nods his head before putting the medicine down and disappeared into the bathroom.

I laid down groaning not paying any attention to what Clark is doing as I blew my nose again and tossed it.

"Alright baby up you get," he says

I shake my head

"Why not?"

"I am sick, not in the mood to move or walk" I replied

Are you naked under the covers?"

"I can't remember," I tell him

He chuckles and walks over lifting the covers and sees that I am not nude.

"Alright let's strip you down," he says

"What for?" 

"So I can get you cleaned up."

"I groaned and slowly set up with his help. He went to remove my shirt but I was too busy blowing my nose again.

Once he managed to strip me bare then himself he lifted me in his arms and carried me to the bathroom where a steaming shower awaited us.

"They say hot steam will help clear the nasal passage," he says

I smiled as I laid my head on his shoulder.

He sat me down in the shower and I tested the water.

"Don't worry it's not too hot" he says

"Thank you," I tell him


After he helps me get clean we get dressed he cleans off the bed and the floor from where I carelessly tossed the snotty tissues then carried me downstairs and placed me on the couch before grabbing some tissues and a trash bin nearby before he walked off to wash his hands and cook something.

Moments later he came back with some soup for me to eat while he had grilled cheese.

"I guess one of the best things about this is you cant get sick," I tell him

He chuckled

"Yea that's one good thing" he replied


After we ate he came back from doing the dishes and cuddled up close to me we laid there watching tv and I blew my nose.

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