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"Bridget!" I yelled making my way over to her. Bridget turned and her face lit up when she saw me.

"Kendra! I haven't seen you in forever!" She replied giving me a big hug.

"Bridget I saw you like a month ago," I laughed, then put my suitcase and duffle bag on the dirt ground.

"Well that's too long," she said with a big smile. I hope summer camp this year is as fun as camp last year,

"When are Skyler and Aria suppose to arrive?" Bridget asked looking around for any sign of them. I looked around for any familiar faces, I saw a couple people I knew but most of the people were new to me. Most people come for a year or so then leave, Bridget, Aria, Skyler, and I have been coming to this camp for about 6 years now and are gonna keep coming until we're not aloud to come anymore.

"I don't know but hopefully soon because I can't wait to see them," I told her.

"Bridget," I called her name and she turned to look at me.

"Are you feeling better?" I questioned, she looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Are you feeling better after what happened last week," I asked hoping she'd understand what I was trying to say.

"Oh," she said understanding what I was taking about, she looked at the ground and back up to me.

"Yeah I'm feeling much better," she smiled faintly.

Bridget has a condition called dilated cardiomyopathy. It mean that her heart is enlarged as doesn't pump blood as well as it should. She doesn't like to talk about it, and there are few people who know about her condition. Last week she had like a heart spasm thing and was rushed to the hospital, and I have to say I thought she was gonna die. That was one of the scariest moments of my life, and I wouldn't know what I would do if I lost her.


"We're finally here," Aria excitedly said as we pulled into the camp entrance. I smiled in reply and hopped out of the car going straight towards the trunk to pull out my stuff.

"I missed this place," I sighed. I breathed in the fresh air and took in the sight of the beautiful evergreen trees towering above us.

I glanced around the camp and saw some familiar faces and even more new faces. The cabins were scattered around the camp in a somewhat orderly fashion which gave me a weird sense of comfort. And although I wasn't worried I began to wonder what cabin I'd get into.

Of course I won't be alone though because you can request one friend you want to be with in a cabin. And every year is the same procedure. I ask to have Aria in my cabin, Aria asks for Bridget, Bridget for Kendra, and Kendra asks to have me in her cabin. This way we all have the same cabin.

Speaking of Kendra and Bridget, where are they? I took a quick scan around the camp again to see if I could spot Bridget's ginger hair but she was nowhere to be seen.

"All campers please report to the pit, which if you don't know it's the main stage. There we will assign your cabins." A female voice boomed through speakers placed throughout the camp grounds. She repeated the announcement several times before it went quiet again.

"Let's go find Bridget and Kendra!" Aria exclaimed loudly with a smile plastered to her face. I nod excitedly while Monique just rolled her eyes starting to walk away. Now is when Monique begins to act like she had no idea who we were. Which I personally have no problem with.

Minutes later we were staring down towards the center stage of the pit. Rows of bleachers were in front of us forming a half circle which led down to the stage. The bleachers were wooden and looked kind of unsafe but nobody really cared.

"What are you waiting for Sky?" Aria asked me breaking me out of my trance.

"Nothing just... looking." I replied because I was there really wasn't anything I was looking for. In response Aria just chuckled and shook her head and started down the stairs. I went to follow her stumbling over my feet. I'm a bit clumsy if you couldn't tell.

"Everybody line up here to get your cabin numbers!" A blonde lady announced waving a fluorescent orange flag to get the attention of campers. Aria and I quickly got in line where we were supposed to and waited.

"You four are going to have cabin B3." A guy councilor said giving the four boys in front of us a map to the cabin.

"Wait a minute cabin B3 is for councilors only and I'm pretty sure they," I paused pointing at the four, "aren't councilors."

"Do you know who we are?" One of them taunted with a thick Australian accent. I immediately knew who they were. The one who spoke was Calum, who everyone claimed wasn't Asian.

"Yeah we know who you are." Aria interjected.

"So you're fans." The semi curly haired one assumed. Ashton. I only shook my head already getting annoyed with them.

"No I'm not. And you guys aren't anyone special, you're just normal people so you should get a normal cabin." I explained.

"Sassy." The one with the reverse skunk-like hair. Michael that's his name, Monique's favorite. I rolled my eyes.

"Can you hurry up and get your cabin already? I feel like I'm losing IQ points by just being near all of you." Aria remarked. 1 Point Aria, 0 Point Boys.

"Fine," Quiff boy huffed, aka Luke.

"Sorry guys, they're right. Here's a new room, you will now be staying in cabin 13. Here's your map and make sure to come back here for instructions and information about dinner." The councilor said. Luke then retrieved a new map from the councilor and gave a big sigh in defeat. Looks like he's not used to being treated like a nobody.

The four then walked off but not before Michael could turn to say his last words. "See you around girls." He gave a wink then he walked away.

"Am I the only one who wants to slap the smirk off his face?" I asked Aria under my breath.

"Nope, definitely not." We grabbed our map to our cabin and began our search for Bridget and Kendra.

There you have it Chapter Two.
Just putting it out there that for right now we don't have a set update day but we will come up with one so it's just random right now.
I hope you're having a good day, or night.
And happy birthday if it is your birthday.
I don't really have anything important to announce so... Vote, Comment and Enjoy!
... (: ...

So how's your day been so far? If it's been good, that's good.
If not I'm sorry to hear that and I hope it gets better.
I'm gonna tell you a little bit about my day because hey! Why not!
Ok so first of all my day could have been better, my dog got hit by a car today and died, that was upsetting.
Second of all I had an Arizona Tea and that was pretty good.

Anyways I'll stop boring you with my life!
I hope you're enjoying and hey, stay weird ;)

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