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(Picture of dock above. The dock does not have any of the chairs on it)

"We should go to the lake," Skyler suggested as we walked away from the horrid performance. We all node in agreement. We all had our arms around each other as we made our way to the lake, the only light from the moon.

We reached the lake and Bridget ran to the end of the dock taking a seat while motioning for us to join her. Skyler and I started to walk to the dock but Aria wasn't coming. I turned around and practically dragged her to the dock. Aria is scared of going in the water and skeptical of being near the water. She never tells us why, all she says is she doesn't like the water and won't let us question her any further. She's stubborn like that.

Skyler sat next to Bridget, I sat next to Skyler and Aria laid on her back towards the middle of the dock away from the edge. Since I am wearing flip flops I let my feet dangle in the cool water. The reflection of the moon is on the water and the stars make the water sparkle. We all sat in a peaceful silence listening to the frogs croke and crickets chirp. Until Skyler decided to break the silence,

"Guys," she said in an soft voice, we all replied back with yeah or hm.

"This is our second to last summer here." Skyler sounded sad

"I know time flew bye fast," Aria said from the short distance between us.

"Remember when we first met each other at age 11? We were such dorks," I said with a small laugh.

"Remember that one time when Kendra had a huge crush on Cameron and her way of flirting was dancing like a dork in the boat," everyone laughed while I tried to glare at them and not laugh. Bridget reminded us all of that embarrassing moment in my life time. I was so embarrassed after that incident. I was about 13 years old and everyone was out in a boat. I got put in a boat with Cameron and thought of a bright idea to flirt with him. As I got up and started to jump and dance around like a complete doof someone rocked the boat and I fell overboard. It wasn't a good experience for me.

"I feel like this is going to be one of our best summers," I said trying to get away from the previous topic.

"I would agree with you but that stupid boy band is here." Aria complained,

"Hey, don't let them ruin our summer. I mean think of the benefits of them being here." Skyler said thinking of the positive. Bridget cut in and asked,

"And what are the benefits?"

"All the girls will be too busy trying to get their attention and that means the councillors will be focused on that, not the quieter teenagers like us. So that means we can do more things and get away with them." Skyler rambled on. All of us shook our heads liking the explanation she gave us.

After almost a half hour of talking it is around 10:30. Curfew is at 11 which is pretty late I guess. I hope this summer turns out to be a good summer. I'm going to try not to let the boy band ruin this summer. I've been waiting for this all year and their not going to get in the way. As long as we avoid them it all should be good. Speak of the devil, my thoughts got interrupted by a Australian accent.

"Look who it is," the Asian looking one said. All of us practically glared at them.


After we got done with the performance we went and searched for the the four girls that left durning our first song and might I say is very rude.

We start our search down by the cafeteria but have no luck, just a few fans that try to talk to us. After a few minutes we tell them we have to go and we then head down to the docks. Sure enough there's all there. Three of them are sitting at the end of the dock with there feet dangling in the water and one is laying in there back towards the middle of the dock. The boys and I started down the dock to the girls. As we reached them non of them noticed us. So I decided to speak up,

"Look who it is," all of them snapped there heads in our direction and it looks like there glaring at us but it's hard to see in the dim lighting.

"What do you want?" The one with ginger hair said annoyed.

"We came to talk to you," Michael told them probably smirking. A moment of silence passed until the one with brown hair that goes to blonde spoke,


"How it's rude to leave while someone's performing," Luke spoke up.

"It's not rude, we didn't sign up or anything like that to see you perform so technically were aloud to leave." The one with blonde hair that was laying but now sitting up said.

"Still it's rude," nice comeback Luke... After yet another moment of awkward silence Ashton spoke,

"Can we at least know your names?"

"Why do you need to know our names?
Are you going to go tattle on us to the councilors?" The one with colored hair teased Ashton. They all laughed a little and Ashton glared.

"Dammit just tell us your names! or we will start calling each one of you princess." Michael told them obviously irritated.

"Jeez ok," the one with ginger hair said, "I'm Bridget,"

"I'm Kendra,"

"I'm Skyler,"

They all got up and started walking past us.

"Wait, the blonde one didn't tell us her name, I said as they walked past us. They all turned around and the blonde one flipped us off, Skyler gasped.

"Oops they slipped," she smirked and walked away. Well then. Isn't this summer going to be fun...

"But, that's my thing." Michael sighed.

"It's ok," Ashton patted him on the shoulder as we headed to our cabin.

"I don't get flipped off, I'm the flipper offer," Michael said clearly upset.

"I know buddy," Ashton said. I can already tell this summer is going to interesting.


Hey guys! It's summer time and I'm really excited.

I hope your enjoying the book and your summer if it's summer there yet. Thanks for reading and hey, stay weird. ;)

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