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"Time to get up, head to the cafeteria for breakfast!" A councilor yelled at the front door waking me from my slumber. I start to open my eyes and a bright ray of sunlight hits me. It's probably better if I keep my eyes closed and go back to sleep. No I should probably get up. Pulling the covers off of me the the cold crisp morning air hits me. Hopefully it gets warmer further into the day. I manage to get myself out of bed and stand up to stretch. Kendra is already up and in the bathroom, while Skyler and Aria are still in bed asleep. I know Aria won't get up, so I decide to wake Skyler up first. I know the perfect way to wake her up, hitting her with a pillow. I grab my pillow and climb up the small ladder. As I hold on to the ladder with one hand, I use my free hand to swing the pillow at Skyler. Right when I did that she shot up almost hitting her head on the ceiling.

"What was that for?" She asked still not fully awake.

"It's time to get up and go get breakfast." I explained to her as I headed for the bathroom.

"Morning," Kendra greeted me as I walked into the bathroom. She is leaned over the sink looking into the mirror doing her makeup. Kendra is still in her really cute pajamas. She always has to look good, even for breakfast. That's ok though.

"Good morning," I reply with a smile. Looking in the mirror at my rats nest of  hair, I start to brush through making my hair smooth again. I'm not going to bother getting ready for breakfast, I like the pajamas I'm in. Im wearing a pair of black pajama bottoms that say love all over and a zip up hoodie.

"Is Skyler and Aria awake?" Kendra asked now fixing her hair.

"Skylers up but I don't think Aria is." I reply walking out to see if there awake. Skyler is awake and ready to go while Aria is still sprawled across the bed.

"Aria it's time to get up and go get breakfast," I told her while shaking her. She slowly got up and rubbed her eyes letting them adjust to the light. Getting up she re-fixed her hair to a high pony tail.

"Will you carry me please," she asked sleepily holding her arms out to me.

"I can't carry you, I'm too weak." I laughed.

"What about a piggy back ride?" She smiled.

"I don't know about that," I know for sure I can't carry her, I'm not calling her fat I'm just weak.

"I'll give you a piggy back ride." Skyler told Aria as a big smile appeared on her face.

As we enter the cafeteria the smell of french toast consumes me. This is one of my favorite breakfast meals. We all get in line for french toast then take a seat at a table. As we start to eat a councilor starts to speak into a microphone,

"After breakfast you all will have 30 minutes to get ready for the day ahead of us. The weather should start to get a lot nicer and hotter so dress ready for that. Also make sure after you are done getting ready to stop down at the pit to get a schedule for today."

After eating we all head back to our cabin to getting for the day ahead of us.


At the cabin I decide to wear a pair of  denim skinny jeans with a light blue t-shirt. I part my hair to the side and put on my favorite pair of black vans.

"Come on guys time to go and get our schedule," Bridget yelled for us outside the doorway.

"Coming!" We all said in almost perfect unison.

Once we reached the pit we got in line to get our schedule.

"Look who it is," an awfully familiar Australian accent came from behind. We all turned around to see the band we are all so fond of.

"Do you stalk us or something? Because you seem to always end up in the same spot we are," Aria told them .

"Maybe we do," Michael I think his name is smirked.

"That's just creepy," Bridget states. Just as the one with curly hair is about to speak Arias sister decides to join us. Hm, I wonder why?

"Hey sis," she greeted Aria a lot sweeter then she normally does. Then she turned to the boys and introduced herself.

"Hi I'm Monique,"

"This is our chance to get a schedule and run, I'll get the schedule while you guys run," I whispered to the girls. As they began to run up the stairs I ran over to the table full of schedules and grabbed two. Then started to run up the steps before them or Monique could stop us. I heard a faint 'wait' but I kept on going. Once I reached the top we all high five? Kendra missing hers.

"Ok, what's first?" Kendra asks taking a look at the schedule.

"A choice of band or choir," Bridget told us. I know for sure I want to do choir. I love singing, it's one of my favorite things.

"Raise your hand if you want to go to choir,"  Bridget said raising her hand. I raised my hand along with Bridget leaving Kendra and Aria for band.

"Ok so that leaves you guys." I said then continue on. " we will split up then meet up at the cabin after we're done.

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