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It was next Tuesday morning and I couldn't stop thinking about last Tuesday. It blew my mind that Noah did such a thing. Later tonight, I'll be meeting with Dixie at Olive garden as we do every week, and I couldn't wait to catch up and for her to update me on the situation. Did everything go well? Did he finally admit? Questions raced my mind as our usual meet up time approached.
I wait again at our usual table for two, i'm always early so i wait a few minutes before she comes. My foot taps the cold wood floor as the minutes pass... she's later than usual. I start worrying, did she get into another fight with Noah? Could she not take the stress and ditched me?
40 minutes pass and she's still not here. I'm panicking so I call her number
"Hello-" the phone plays
"Dixie?' I reply
"I am not available right now, please leave a message!" the voice mail finishes. I grunt and slam the phone. If she won't answer i'll call her job and see if she was there earlier and if she said anything about leaving. I ring her job and explain the whole situation hurriedly. They reply
"I'm so sorry, but Dixie didn't come in today. We really thought she was just taking another sick day and thought nothing if it h-"
I hang up, eyes wide. At this point i'm freaking out. The last and only hope was to call Noah and see if he knows anything. I ring him up and he replies. I explain the situation once again with panic in my voice. After my whole rant, there's a silence and he stutters with pain,
"I've been looking all over for her, I woke up this morning for my 5 am run and she was not next to me in bed. I'm extremely worried Larri do you know ANYTHING? I reported her missing to the police already."
"No noah, I called you cause i'm worried and haven't heard a thing from her. Thanks for updating me, If you need anything please let me know. I pray we find her safe."
I hang up and sigh with my head in my hands. I get up and leave Olivia Garden, distraught as I exit.
I sit in my car and wonder, did she leave the city without telling anyone cause of what she was going through? Did someone take her? Did she just need a break from reality? Again, questions pound my head as I sit there in the olive garden parking lot, overthinking. The starless sky above, I drive out into the road and take the long way home.

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