He Did It...

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The next morning, I wake up to the town abuzz to Noah's disappearance days after Dixie's. I wake up to hearing sirens and shouts from Dixie's neighborhood a few blocks away. Consequently, as the blood started to leak onto the road when i stabbed Noah, the police have officially confirmed it as Noah's blood and ruled this as a murder. A stupid mistake on my part. I get up and take the long walk to the neighborhood to get caught up on this, hoping they don't suspect me.

I arrive to the road and park far from the scene. Caution tape surrounds the street as I see people gathered around. These include distraught James Charles and Dixie's sister Charli who was in on the whole plan to murder Noah as she knew what he did was disgusting. If me or her are ever questioned, we promised each other that we would say we were with each other the day of the murder, so they don't suspect us. An alliance. I get out of the car and wave to Charli and see James eye me. His bloodshot eyes, he runs over to me and screams
"What are you talking about? This happened early morning and it was so dark you could easily mistaken anyone for me, plus i was with Charli all day helping her plan funeral arrangements for Dixie... you need to calm down james." I reply
"He was with me dude, do you want proof?" Charli butts in. James rubs his eyes as the police intervene as well.
"James, we understand you are hurting but you can not make false allegations based on the little proof we have. The only proof we have is actually pointing to you as the killer."
I smirk and stand back as James face drops.
"W-What-" James stutters. The police respond
"We notice you had taken out a big life insurance policy right before Noah's murder. This is highly suspicious and points to this being planned by you all along." They explain "We would like to take you down to the station for questioning. Please stay here." James face expresses clear confusion as the police handcuff him and throw him in the car. He looks at me while getting in, and is unable to speak as he is so shocked. He gets what he deserves.

The car drives off with James in the back, and me and Charli glance at each other and smile. We quickly laugh and high five like we just completed a mission in a video game. We hug each other with emotion as we remember our beloved Dixie. Her death was finally avenged.

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