There is Nothing I Do Better Than Revenge

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I lay in my bed the next night and sob. The police have made no advancements on locating Dixie even after sending a search party for her. They found no clues and came to the conclusion that there is not enough evidence to ever locate her, and ultimately called off the investigation. If a person is missing this long, it is usually ruled they are dead. Her phone and belongings were all left home and nothing really points to her running away out of town, which is why I know Noah was in charge of murdering. I wish I could just tell the police this but I just cant prove it, i would sound insane with the little evidence there is. But I know it was him. I already miss her so much. She was my ride or die since elementary and we have been through everything together. I lay there as my memories of her fill my head, she deserved so much more. I lay there in grief.

I come to the realization that someone needs to bring Dixie's murder to justice, so I decide to confront Noah about this tomorrow when he goes on his "5 am run" and finally get some answers. There is no way he will get away this, anger fills my body and I cry myself to sleep.

I wake up extra early to get ready to meet Noah before his run. I wake up feeling enormous grief and anger and think of how I will approach him. I leave the house in a hurry, get in my car and sit there for a little in silence as I hear the morning vultures circling dark clouds. What a disgusting human Noah is, I realize all his ill actions throughout his relationship with dixie that i never paid attention to. I wish I was there for her more. I start the car.

I drive fast to his house as the sun starts to rise, I don't wanna miss him on his run. I arrive to the hilly neighborhood and perfect, I see Noah on the sidewalk outside his house as he is every day this time during his morning run, the sky is still dim. I slowly pull up and park, he stops and smiles thinking i'm here to pay him a visit. He stops in his tracks and says
"Hey Larri! How's it going, hope your well. Do you need something?" Sounding a little too happy for someone who just lost their significant other. I get out with a serious face, here to get to business.
"I know you murdered dixie so you could start a new life with James, it's quite fucking obvious. She's missing because you hid her body far, far away with that truck of yours, no wonder you got new tires." I say cross armed. Noah stutters and says
"I don't know what you're talking about, stop with these outrageous claims." I scoff and say "Admit it now Noah, what you did was wrong and you should be feeling guilt right now. Dixie deserved so much better than your pathetic ass. ADMIT IT NOW AND FACE WHAT YOU DESERVE." Noah rolls his eyes and tries to walk away, at that point rage fills my body. How could he not feel any guilt? How could he sit here and deny it and still lie? I was outraged, I grab his neck and pull him back. I reach for my back pocket and take out a hunting knife i got from my dad. I stab him in his heart once, as he shouts for pain, I cover his mouth. The blood starts to fall on the road so i use my hand to cover the cut and then throw him in the back of my car. The sun was rising quickly and i rush to finish this while it was still dark. Noah lay in the back of my car groaning and weak, i take the knife and stab him 3 more times.
"You are sick for what you did, you deserve this you bastard! There is nothing i do better than revenge!" His blood starts to leak into the car matts. I rip his shirt off revealing his 6 pack and big biceps, and try to clean the car. Ugh. A whole mess. Noah becomes weaker and weaker and he eventually dies. I put on the radio, and my favorite song comes on "Cattitude" by Miley Cyrus. I sing along and drive out of his neighborhood with him dead in the back.

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