The Cleanup

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The car booms with the bass from the song. My mood is happy, I feel relieved and feel like Dixie is happy as well, looking down at me. I drive back home as the sun's high up in the sky finally. Time to for the cleanup and to get rid of this bastard once and for all. Good thing my daddy made me get a boating license when I was sixteen...

I get home and carefully drag his lifeless body out making sure no one sees. This beefy bitch was so heavy, I take him inside quickly. I lay him on the table and start to cut his body into little pieces so I can easily bring it on the boat in a small bag and no on will suspect anything. I cleaned enough houses to know how to cover up a scene. His muscular build and touch skin were hard to cut through but with time I was able to. It was a gruesome task but for a good cause. Once his body was into smaller pieces, I dump it into a black trash back and tie it tight. I plan to rent a boat on Santa Catalina beach with my license, boat far off the coast and dump this sucker into the deep ocean, no one will find him there! If they ask why i have a big bag with me, I'll just tell them it's fishing supplies as I wanna catch some dinner for tonight. The drive was a few hours from here, so it would make it even harder for anyone to find him if they tried.

I go to my car, shoving the black bag into the trunk. I get in the drivers seat and play Dixie's newest song "Roomates" a whole bop. This ones for you bestie. I start to leave the driveway looking in my rear view. The roads were empty so the drive was faster than usual. The beach parking lot was scattered with a few cars, but not a soul in the parking lot. I get out, slip the black bag onto my back. I go over to the booth and request a pontoon boat

"Going fishing today, need a lot of equipment!" I say pointing to the black bag, laughing nervously. The mans face changes barley as he throws me a key and points to a pontoon on the doc. He explains the instructions, and then quickly drops his head down to continue reading his book. Easy. I go over to the boat and spend a few minutes setting it up. I get ready to start it up to go as far as i can. I start moving and the black bag rolls back and forth on the ships floor. I kick it in anger, this beefy bitch can't stay still.

50 minutes pass and i look around and i'm surrounded by blue water. No land or person is seen, i seem far enough from shore to dispose the body here. I look at the fat black bag, then look around once more, and continue to use my leg to push it off the floor of the boat. It falls off and splashes into the water, bubbles arise as the body slowly sinks. I blow it a kiss as the dead body sinks gradually, and quickly turn the boat around and race to the shore.

I get back to the dock and attach the boat back where it was. I walk past the man and he looks confused as the huge black bag isn't with me anymore.
"Boat flipped over as the waves got a little too powerful, lost all my shit!" I was still wet from the water splash as the dead body hit the water, so the story was sellable. The man at the booth rolls his eyes and goes back to reading. I walk hurriedly to my car, and drive home feeling accomplished.

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