The Battle of New York City

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Chapter Five

"Everyone know the plan?" Steve says over coms.

"Distract Loki by any means to give Stark time to disable the machine harnessing the Tesseract," Nel responded.

"Maybe not by any means. I really don't want to be in the middle of a domestic dispute," Tony's voice responded.

"Hilarious Stark. Can you focus on not dropping me?" Nel responded giving him a stern look as her hair whipped around her face.

"We need to focus here. We need to defend the people of New York and try to avoid having an alien army attack earth," Steve said sternly through coms.

"Sorry," Nel mumbled as heat reached her cheeks.

"It is alright," Steve responds to her softly.

"Look, we need to disable the machine before they open the portal," Nat's voice came.

"Stark, you and Nel will get there before us. Try not to do anything to make Loki even more mad," Barton's voice came.

"No promises," Tony responded.

"Nel," Steve's voice came quietly.

"I know. I will see you after," she responded with a small smile.

"Di qualunque cosa siano fatte le nostre anime," he started.

"Tuo e mio sono la stessa cosa," she finished trying not to smile.

"What does that mean?" Tony asked.

"It translates to 'Whatever our souls are made of, you and I are the same'. It is from Wuthering Heights. Though I am not sure that quote was meant to be romantic," Nat responded.

"We can discuss this later. We are almost to New York," Tony said. "Hold on Princess Cap."

"Please don't call me that," Nel mumbled. "Let me down at the base of the tower. I need to come up the elevator. He needs to think I am not there."

"JARVIS make sure she can get up the elevator," Tony says quickly as the descend towards the ground.

"Yes, sir," the AI responded.

"I'll go up and try to distract him," he says quickly as he lands on the ground.

"Don't make him mad," she called after him as he flew upwards. She quickly ran into the building and to the elevator, ignoring the strange looks from people as she passed them. She hit the button Stark had told to press.

"Hello Miss Lithoniel," JARVIS' voice came.

"What is going on up there?" She asked as the elevator rose.

"Mr. Stark is attempting to threaten Loki," it responded.

"He is what?" she half yelled. "Stark do not antagonize him!" she shouted in calms.

"I got this," Tony's voice mumbled.

"Miss," JARVIS came.

"What's wrong?" she asked pulling her dagger from her belt.

"Loki has thrown Mr. Stark from the building," the AI said calmly.

"Stark!" she shouted in her coms.

"A suit has been deployed to assist him," the AI informs me.

"You could have started with that fact," she mumbles.

"Apologies. We are on the floor Ma'am," the AI responds as the doors open.

The moment the doors opened, Nel saw Tony blast Loki backwards and a blue light flew upwards in the sky, opening the portal.

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