Disagreement/Back to Asguard

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Chapter Seven

"What do you mean no?!" Nel shouted as she sprung out of her chair.

"S.H.I.E.L.D cannot interfere with this," Fury responded sharply from his chair.

"He is an Avenger! He has helped you as a consultant on multiple things for this organization! Why can't you help?" she asked as she slammed her hands on his desk.

"Stark called out a terrorist. This is out of S.H.I.E.L.D's hands," Fury stated calmly.

"You cannot be serious!?" she sighed as she threw up her hands and stalked towards the door.

"Where are you going Lithoniel?" Fury sighed.

"You said S.H.I.E.L.D could not get involved Fury. Well guess what, I don't work for you," she yelled as she pulled the door open.

"Do not make me remand you to this facility," Fury called after her and she paused in her track. She turned to face him, and her anger was evident in her amber eyes.

"You would not dare," she bit.

"Oh, do not underestimate me. Stark is capable of handling his own mess ups," Fury stated as he stood.

"And Pepper? What about her? She may be involved with Stark, but she is still a civilian. She needs help and she is my friend," Nel bit out as she took deep breaths to tamper her anger.

"No one is arguing that Nel. We just need you to be smart about this and think about it from our point of view," Nat chimed in.

"What point of view is that?" she asked as she crossed her arms.

"People know you were in New York and people know your connection with Steve and the rest of the Avengers. You can cause a lot of damage in a fight but if that terrorist were to get his hands on you," Nat trailed off.

"We cannot risk this terrorist getting his hands on any of you," Fury said.

"Where do you stand on this?" Nel asked turning to Steve.

"I know you can handle yourself Nel, but Natasha has a point. If they got a hold you, you know I would do anything and everything to get you back," Steve said crossing to her with his hands raised trying to calm her.

"Fine, I will not go. But I want to know anything that happens when it happens Fury," she said before turning and leaving the room.

"Nel," Steve called chasing after her.

"I said I wouldn't go Steve. You don't have to follow me," she replied as he caught up to her.

"You look like you need to relieve some of that tension. Come to the training room with me. We can practice hand to hand," he said as he grabbed her hand and turned her to face him.

"When is the mission?" she asked after a sigh.

"How did you?" he asked.

"I know you, Rogers. Better than you know yourself sometimes," she answered as she placed her hands on his arms.

"It is in a day or two. It was pushed back given what just happened," he said calmly.

"I guess I will just have to binge on junk food and horrible movies till you return home," she sighed.

"Actually, given what is going on. I would feel better if you stayed here," he said calmly.

"Steven Rogers, you are lucky I love you and want you back in one piece. You are asking something of me that you know I will not like," she sighed. "But, if it gives you peace of mind on the mission, I will do it."

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