Out Of My Skin

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Hwanwoong POV
I wake up after Seoho shakes my body violently. I open my eyes and see him grinning at me. "Wow, you were tough to wake up today!", he exclaims.
Why is Seoho waking me up today? I look around and notice that I am actually in the wrong room and bed. Why am I in Geonhak's bed and where is he? "I am going to shower now, you can shower after me.", Seoho tells me. "O-okay.", I say, my voice sounding a bit weird.
Normally I would shower in the other bathroom but not today I guess. I sit up. My body feels different somehow and my shoulders feel pretty sore as if I worked out a lot yesterday. Instinctively I run my fingers through my hair only to notice that my hands look completely different. They are much bigger and the vains show much more through my skin. Now that I think about it, my vision is also way better than normally. I rush out of my bed towards a mirror. What I see shocks me.
I am Geonhak.
How did that happen? And is Geonhak in my body then? I guess he is still sleeping since I was supposed to get my makeup for the dance video done last.
I look at the clock, it is 6 am. I actually have only one hour until I need to drive to the salon.
This is so weird! I go back to our hyung's room and decide to plan my outfit for today while Seoho is still in the bathroom. I open the door of the closet but underestimate Geonhak's strength so it crashes against the wall with a big bang. Youngjo groans and turns in his bed. I see his eyes open briefly but then he continues sleeping. I look at Geonhaks clothes and put my outfit for today on his bed. Then Seoho is back from the bathroom and I can shower.
It is the weirdest and most uncomfortable thing I have ever experienced.

Then I get dressed and Seoho, Keonhee and me have to go down to the car. Before we leave I hear myself scream. "It seems like Hwanwoong has a bad morning.", Keonhee says as he opens the door.
Should I tell them? But would they even believe me? I mean this is crazy.
I decide to tell them when we're in the car.
I sit down and fasten my seat belt. "Ehh... hyung.", I say and flinch a bit at the super raspy and deep tone of my voice. "Yeah?", Seoho replies while Keonhee ignores me.
"I... eh, how should I say it? I am not quite myself today.", I state. Seoho giggles.
"What do you mean?", he asks.
"Well, I am actually Hwanwoong and I think Geonhak is stuck in my body. That's why he screamed. We somehow switched bodies over night.", I explain.
Keonhee and Seoho look at me weirdly, then at each other and then start laughing. "That's very funny hyung but you know that it's impossible.", Keonhee says.
"I am serious. I am Hwanwoong."
"What are you boys talking about back there?", our manager asks.
"Geonhak thinks he is Hwanwoong.", Seoho tells.
The manager also laughs.
"It's true. We swapped bodies over night.", I insist but the others just keep on laughing.
It is no use, they won't believe me. I put my hand into my pocket and reach for my phone but nothing is there. "Ahhh, I forgot my phone!", I exclaim. "I will write the others that they should bring it.", Keonhee says.
"Thank you."

After I got my makeup done I sit down on the couch and eat my breakfast. While I am eating the others arrive to get their makeup done. "Here is your phone.", I hear myself say. "Thank you."
Geonhak and I stare at each other awkwardly for a minute before be starts to speak again: "Have you told the others?"
"Yes but they don't believe me."
"They wouldn't believe me either."
"Hey, body switchers. What are talking about?", Seoho asks and giggles.
"We really have switched bodies. And it's not funny, it's extremely weird.", Geonhak states.
"Proof it."
"Well I don't know the password to his phone for example.", I explain and take Geonhak's phone and try to unlock it. "Well, you could just fake that.", Dongju enters the conversation.
"I can name all the people that I have exchanged messages with yesterday and tell you what all the conversations were about.", Geonhak says and begins to name everyone who he has written with.
Then he takes his phone and shows the others that he is correct.
"But how did you switch bodies?", Seoho asks.
"I don't know.", I reply.
"I also don't know how we are supposed to do each others parts for the video today.", Geonhak worries.
"I think that's our smallest problem. We could just switch our positions. But the biggest problem is that we don't have a feeling for our body. You're much taller and stronger than me. So I don't know how much strength to give each move and I have just bad body control overall. It's almost as we are starting from 0 again.", I argue.
"I'm sure you will figure it out.", Seoho says.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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