Supernatural School: Part 2

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"What? Who is it?", I ask Dongmyeong. "Jongho, the captain of the wrestling team. He is one class under us and is also friends with some of our classmates.", Dongmyeong replies. "Ohh, I remember him. The one that the girls always swoon over because he splits apples for them while singing." "Yes, Jongho is incredibly strong in his human form but apparently he can turn into a Hulk-like giant and is even more powerful then. Apparently he disappeared on his way home on our last school day. Keonhee told me about it. He, Yunho and Jongho have the same way home. Jongho was in a bad mood and Keonhee and Yunho were trying to cheer him up. He was walking slightly behind them while they were playing around. Keonhee said they weren't looking at him for just five seconds before they realized that he wasn't there anymore. Keonhee swears he saw a shadow but Yunho didn't see anything, so he might have just imagined it.", Dongmyeong explains. "So it's like with Hwasa. He disappeared in the blink of an eye and nobody saw or heard anything." "Yes. I hope the police finds the person quickly."
"But why our school?", I ask. "Hmm, I guess it's a place where it's guaranteed to find all sorts of Magicals and a lot of them are not as strong as most magicals." "But what does that person or group want with all these different kinds of Magicals?" "I have no idea."

After a week the police still haven't found out anything about the disappearances. Meanwhile an girl who is four classes under me was kidnapped even though none of us went to school.
Since all of us are bored at home right now we decided to have a band meeting and practice some songs together. Dongmyeong offered us to come to his house for the band practice. Yonghoon picks me up at my house and we drive to the outskirts of the city until we reach a mansion.
"I didn't know that the twins have rich parents.", I say. "The Son family is a very prestigious family among Magicals."
We get out of the car and are greeted by a butler who brings us to Dongmyeong who is waiting for us in the music room. Hyungu and Harin are already there and talking to Dongmyeong. The music room is filled with different types of instruments: Guitars, violins, a keytar and the grand piano in the corner.
"Hey guys. Welcome to my mansion. Do you want something to drink?", Dongmyeong asks. "Yes, a glass of water would be good.", Yonghoon says. The butler who brought us nods and disappears into the corridor.
We start practicing a few songs. After some time Dongju comes into the room and watches us. Suddenly Dongmyeong starts screaming in the middle of a song: "AHH BROTHER BEHIND YOU!!!"
Yonghoon screams and falls out of his chair in surprise. I look in Dongjus direction but see nothing. He turns around confused, then faces his brother again. "There isn't anything, brother.", he says. "I swear I just saw a shadow figure behind you.", Dongmyeong says still panicked. I feel shivers run down my spine. Did he really see something? If he did, was it one of the kidnappers? And if it was one of the kidnappers, does that mean we aren't save anywhere? Because a rich and influential family like the Sons surely have good security.
It's completely quiet for a minute. "Well, whatever it was, it is gone now. Let's continue.", Dongmyeong says.

When I come home, the table is already set. "Ah, there you are son. We were waiting for you.", my dad says and hugs me. We sit down and start eating. "I am on a new case. Actually, I am usually not allowed to tell you about my cases but since it affects you I can tell you a little bit about it. I am investigating the disappearances of your schools students.", my dad tells me. "Have you found out anything?", I ask. "A little bit. I can't tell you any details of course." "You know some of victims or your friends know them, right? So is there anything interesting you know about them that could help us? Like something they all have in common or anything special about them?"
"Well, I actually don't know anything about the first and the last victim. Yeosang recently started to get really good with his abilities. He was always pretty good at making himself become an almost invisible shadow but in the last two weeks before he disappeared, he made great progress with his ability to walk through walls. Hwasa apparently is a one of the best students of all time but I don't know more. Jongho is really strong and also really good with his abilities. I guess they are all powerful in their own way." "Hmm, so the victims have either unique abilities or are very talented. That may gives us a hint about the students that could be the next victims."
When I think about it there is another detail that stands out to me. "I don't know how the first student disappeared but Jongho and Hwasa disappeared in a similar way. Hwasa was in a toilet cabin but there was no way the kidnapper could have got her out of there without being seen by her friend unless they disappeared through the wall. Keonhee said he saw a shadow and Dongmyeong saw a shadow while we were practicing today.", I state. "You think your classmate Yeosang has something to do with it?" "I don't know. He doesn't seem like the person who kidnaps people. Maybe he is being controlled or it's someone with similar abilities." "Interesting. It is is definitely something that I will investigate further."

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