Supernatural school: Part 1

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Today is my first day at my new school and I am really nervous, especially because I am transferring in the middle of the year. I had to transfer schools after an odd event at my old school.

One week earlier:
Classes had just ended and I had put my school books into my locker when I hear someone scream my name behind me. "Hey Giwook, you little baby come here!", my classmate screams. I see him and his friends stand at the end of the corridor. They had been bullying me ever since high school started almost two years ago. I try to ignore them and walk away. But I hear them running after me. As I try to leave the building one of them grabs me and shoves me into a corner. "Where are you going infant? Are you going home and cry to your mommy? Or are you going to play with your toy blocks while you suck on your pacifier?", the bully says. "You're almost 17 and still look like an 3 year-old. Aren't you embarrassed?", another bully says. I hold my hands over my ears and try not to hear what they say.
Then everything goes black around me.

When I regain consciousness again, the bullies are gone. I walk home, greet my mum, go to my room and start doing my homework. When I take out my notes a piece of paper falls out of my bag. It has a melody written on it. I neither remember writing it nor putting it inside my bag. I don't think to much about it and just throw it away since it doesn't seem important.
After I did my homework I play a bit on my bass guitar. Some song lyrics come to my mind so I write them down. Then it is dinner time. I eat with my family and watch a movie with them. Then I go back to my room and work on one of my songs before I go to bed.

The next day I go into class and sit down like every day. Then suddenly the speaker turns on. "Lee Giwook please come into the principals office.", the secretary announces.
I go to the principals office and feel nervous as I open the door. The principal and my bullies are awaiting me. "Good morning Mr. Lee.", the principal says. "Good morning, sir." "I am sure you know why you here." "Not exactly, sir."
"Hmm I see. So Mr. Kim, you said there was an incident with Mr. Lee yesterday. Please tell me in detail what happened." "So we were about to go home then we saw Giwook alone at the entrance and wanted to ask him if he wanted to go home with us. Then he suddenly took out a pen and paper and wrote something on it. We started hearing his voice in our heads, singing some kind of melody but it was super painful. It was like someone put needles really deep into my head. I thought I would die.", the bully says. His friends nod in agreement. "I understand. Mr. Lee how do you remember the incident?"
"I put my books into my locker and was about to walk outside. One of them grabbed me and they said mean things to me. Then I blacked out. When I was conscious again, they were gone."
The principal gets pale then nods. "Mr. Kim, you and your friends can go."
My bullies leave the room and the principal writes something down. "You are going to transfer to this school. I am going to take care of everything. Here is the address and the phone number if you have any questions. I will contact your parents later to discuss some details."

I walk into the classroom. I am unsure what to do and just wait for the teacher to come. The classroom slowly fills with students. All of them are staring at me curiously and whisper to each other.
The bell rings and the teacher comes in. "Oh are you lost?", the teacher asks me. "Ehm noo. I'm the new student." "Oh, are you sure you're in this class?" "Ehh.." "I mean I'm expecting a new student but you are not Lee Giwook or?" "I am." "Oh, I'm sorry. How about you introduce yourself to everyone?"
I take a peace of chalk and write my name on the blackboard. "Hello my name is Giwook. I am 16 years old an my birthday is the 24th of January. I play the bass guitar and basketball and I like writing songs.", I introduce myself. "You can sit down next to Dongmyeong.", the teacher says. I go and sit down where the teacher pointed at. Dongmyeong is one of the prettiest guys I've ever met. I stare at him for a second before I concentrate on the lesson.
Even though it's winter and it's snowing outside, I begin feeling really hot. It's like I there is an open fire next to me. I suddenly black out again. When I become conscious again I feel cold wind blowing in my face and a melody is written on notes. The other students and the teacher doesn't seem to have noticed except for Dongmyeong. "Are you hot?", Dongmyeong asks. "A little bit."
"Ah our new students seems to want to answer this question.", the teacher says and looks at me. "Eh... I didn't hear the question." "Please pay attention next time."

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