The two kingdoms

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Once there were two kingdoms. They have been enemies for several hundred years, so long that the reason has been forgotten. One day the kings of both kingdoms decided to try to end the war between them. And so a marriage between the prince and the princess was arranged.
The short peace between the kingdoms didn't hold on for a long time and soon they were at war again.
The prince and the princess that were now the new rulers of one of the kindoms despised each other. Still they had two children together. Twins, one named Dongmyeong and the other named Dongju.
A half year after their birth the queen couldn't stand being with the king any longer. She ran away with the older twin Dongmyeong in the middle of the night and returned to her kingdom.
The twins grew up wondering what happened to their other parent. When asking they got the answer that they had died in the war. They didn't know that they were twins and instead got told to hate each other.
After a few years the king and the queen died and the twins became the new rulers of their kingdoms. Dongmyeong was said to be a cute and angel-like king but lowkey a bit savage and meanwhile Dongju was usually desribed as cold and straightforward but with a warm heart underneath. People always said they were similar but quite the opposite at the same time. What they described could be best seen through their hobbies. They both like art and music but when it comes to the kind of art and music they like it's quite the opposite. They never saw each other in person but wrote hate letters to each other every day. Until one day...

Early in the morning, Dongjus kingdom:
Dongju sits in his bed with his breakfast in front of him when his butler Hwanwoong comes in and gives him a letter. "The same as usual?", the king asks. "Yes.", the small butler answers.
Dongju opens the letter and reads it.
"Dear rat head,
stop sending your stupid apes into my land, I had to get rid of them again when they tried to kill my baby wizard while he was gathering ingredients to poison you. I feel very disrespected by you. Also they should wash themselves better, general Kanghyun said they were stinky. Just give me your kingdom already, you son of a mayfly.
Insincere greetings,
a little angel."
Just as Dongju finishes reading the letter someone comes into his room. "My king, we almost had his wizard that he babies so much but then we were suddenly surrounded by soldiers. Only half of us could escape.", general Geonhak tells him.
"I know, Dongmyeong just wrote me about it.", Dongju says. "Oh, what do you want to do now?" "I think I want to end this." "O-okay."
Dongju eats his breakfast and gets dressed. "Keonhee wants to know what you want to eat for lunch.", Hwanwoong says while helping him put on his jacket. "I want noodles, chicken and ice cream as dessert.", Dongju says. The young king goes to his consultant Ravns room. "How can I help you?", Ravn asks. "We need to end this war. I can't take it anymore.", Dongju says sternly. "Are you thinking about a peace treaty?" "No, I am thinking about a duel."
"It might be risky." "That's why we are going to ask Seoho to see into the future for me."
The two go into wizard Seohos room who stands in front of a big cauldron. "What can I do for you?", the wizard asks. "I want to have a duel with Dongmyeong. Tell me who would win and would this end the war?"
Seoho takes out a crystal ball and start murmuring a spell. The crystal ball start glowing blue and so do Seohos eyes. Then the light goes away again. "I couldn't see much but I saw you meeting up with someone, a shocking event and the war coming to an end. But remember the crystal ball shows only the most likely outcome at this moment. So nothing is 100 percent sure."
"I will do it then. I will start writing the invitation to the duel for Dongmyeong now. Thank you Seoho."
The king goes to his room and starts writing.

Afternoon, Dongmyeongs kingdom:
Dongmyeong drinks tea with his counselor in his garden. "Ahh, Harins tea is great as always.", the young king says. "Yes, I can't get enough of it.", Yonghoon says. They both relax in the sun when Dongjus carrier pigeon sits down next to them. "Oh this must be Dongjus answer.", Dongmyeong exclaims. Dongmyeong reads the letter.
"Hello drunk caterpillar,
I will never give up without a fight. I have enough of you disrespecting me. Let's meet up at the border of our lands tonight for a duel. We will see who is the better ruler of us two then.
Bye bye,
the most beautiful king in the world."
"Oof, seems like he is serious this time. I don't think you should meet up with him. It might have a bad outcome and what we are going to do then?", Yonghoon states. "We will just ask Cya to look into the future for me.", the cute king says.
They walk into Cyas room. Dongmyeong hugs his wizard from behind. "Aww you're so cute." Cya blushes. "Ehm, how can I help you?", he asks. "Dongju wants to do a duel with me, so I want to know the outcome of it if I should go."
The wizard takes out a crystal ball. He murmurs a spell, the ball and his eyes start glowing. After the blue light fades he tells Dongmyeong what he saw: "I saw you meeting up, I saw you being shocked and then peace for the whole land. But remember..." "It's just the most likely outcome at this moment. It might not happen like this. I know. Still I think I am going to go."

And so the two kings met in the middle of the night in the forest that separates their lands:
Dongju patiently waits for his enemy. Dongmyeong arrives shortly after. Both of their faces are hidden underneath the hoods of their capes. "You came.", Dongju states. "Yeah, of course. I am not a coward.", Dongmyeong replies. "We should start this duel then.", Dongju says. The kings take off their hoods and walk a few steps forward to shake hands and start the duel. As they stand face to face they suddenly freeze. "Why do you have the same nose and similar eyes as me? And you have dads lips and his cheekbones!", Dongju realises. "And you have moms face shape and smile!", Dongmyeong says totally shocked. "Thinking about it, we also have similar names. When is your birthday? Mine is the 10th of January in the year 200 after the red moon.", Dongju asks. Dongmyeongs eyes get really big. "10th of January, year 200 after the red moon." "This is weird. Do you know what happened to your father?" "My dad died in the same year I was born." "My mum too. Are we... are we maybe... twins? And our parents lied to us?" An older soldier belonging to Dongmyeongs kingdom suddenly appears behind a tree. "You have soldiers with you?!", Dongju exclaims. "Yes it might have been an ambush. What do want to say soldier?" "Ehm as far as I know. Your parents were forced to marry each other by your grandparents to resolve the conflict. But it didn't change anything. Then the queen suddenly came back to the kingdom with Dongmyeong.", he explains. "And why didn't anyone tell us?", Dongmyeong asks. "I guess your parents hated each other and didn't want the war to end.", the soldier end. “But I want this war to end. I can't believe my whole life has been a lie and we've been fighting for nothing all this time.“, Dongju says. “Me neither.“, his twin says. Dongju throws away his sword and so does Dongmyeong. “Let's live in peace from now on!“

And so the two kingdoms united with the twins ruling over the whole land and they lived happily ever after.

Authors Note:
I am currently working on two more Oneshots. They will be released in the next two weeks. But I won't release new ones as regularly in the future, probably. Because as I said in my first Oneshot I only release new content if I have new ideas. I just have a lot of time and ideas right now.❤😊

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