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The sound of footsteps could be heard as it began speeding up.

The sky appeared gloomy as for rain was soon coming.

A crowd of people were chattering around, shopping in the market with family in Victorian attire.

And amongst it all was a man in shabby clothes along with a dark gray cloak to cover it all.

Said man was rushing through the crowd, occasionally bumping shoulders which earned him a couple swears. But he didn't care, all that mattered in that moment was to get to a secluded place as fast as possible.

The problem was, he didn't know where he was, he was lost. Desperately, he sharply turned into a corner that lead into a alley way.

With a deep sigh he pulled down his hood revealing his jet black hair and cold gray eyes. He looked at his surroundings before proceeding to head to the end of the alleyway.

He abruptly stops as he spots 2 older men entering from the other side, seeming too drunk to even walk properly.

Instantly he looked down towards the stone floor and began to speed walk past them. That was until one of the men stumbled and aggressively bumped into him.

The bump caused him to trip on his feet and land on all fours.

"Ay'! Can't ya see I'm walkin' here?!" The drunken man shouted. The black haired man only glared back, for he didn't want to start an unnecessary fight. Especially with a drunk person.

The drunk mans friend started to passive aggressively wave his hand towards him, "Lil' man he's talkin' to ya! Are ya deaf?!"

Still remaining quiet the two men began to scowl then turned around, "whatever, just stay out of our way asswipe!" They snarled as they started walking away.

With a grunt the man who still lingered on the floor adjusted till he sat on his bottom. "What a pain."

Out of no where a feminine voice could be heard in front of the male. "Are you okay?"

There a woman stood with (h/l) (h/c) hair, wearing a soft blue bell shaped dress that went down to her feet with layered frills on the skirt and sleeves, along with a white corset that seemed too tight for comfort.

"Sir? Are you okay?" She repeated as she began to lean towards him slowly reaching out her arm. She gave a gentle smile, her (e/c) eyes shining brightly filled with life.

As their eyes locked to one another all the man could do was stare, as if he was lovestruck. He didn't understand what he was feeling while looking at the woman. But something about it felt right, almost like a strong force connected him to her.

"Yes. I'm fine." He finally responded, he looked down at her hand and softly shook his head as he stood up on his own. The woman retracted her hand, seeming not to mind, "Oh good, I saw what had happened with those two men. I would of gotten here sooner if it wasn't for this big crowd" she giggled.

"You didn't have to, I had it covered" he assured, his eyes looking away from hers for he felt if he stared any longer he'll be entranced. "I'm sure you did" she chuckled. "Oh! My apologies, my name is (Y/n) (L/n). I'm the upcoming queen of the walls"

The mans eyes slightly widened, seeming surprised she was from a royal blood line. He looked back into her eyes and replied in a monotone voice "Levi."

It was quiet for a couple seconds, for (Y/n) was waiting in case he had more to add on. Which didn't seem likely after a couple seconds. She took a quick scan of his appearance which caused her eyes to soften. "I apologize if this comes off a tad bit rude, but do you happen to have a place to stay?"

Clearing his throat he thought to himself whether to admit the truth or not. Coming to a conclusion he figured it better to be honest. "No." He began, "I was actually on my way to find shelter before that mishappening"

"Oh." (Y/n) softly replied looking down she appeared in thought. Turning her head slightly behind her, she quickly looked back at Levi and grinned. Seeming proud of the idea she came up with. "How about you join me?"

Confusion became visible on Levi's face, (Y/n) realized this and continued. "What I mean is, how about you come stay at the castle till you get back on your feet?"

"Oh no I couldn't intrud-"

"Nonsense! It's the least I could do for you, you seem like a trust worthy person and I could honestly say my instincts are always right!" She exclaimed with a bright smile on her face.

Sighing he nodded his head as his hands reached back to put his hood back on. "Lead the way".

Giggling excitedly she grabbed his hand and pushed through the crowd outside the alleyway. While she was guiding him to a location all Levi could focus on was their interlocked hands. It was as if a spark had surged through him once she made contact with him. This feeling became addicting to Levi, and he just urged for more. However one thing never left his mind.

What is this feeling and why is he only feeling this way towards that woman?

Fallen Angel- L.AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now