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It had only been a few minutes since the princess had departed.

Levi had not moved a single muscle since then, staring at the spot (Y/N) once stood almost like a lost puppy.

If he could he would stay in his exact spot until she had returned, though he did not know when that would be. So after some final thought he decided to walk around and familiarize himself with the environment. 

He started by taking in the pleasing scenery of the garden, a variety of flowers scattered around in bunches yet somehow did not look crowed.

Eventually he made his way into the castle walking through multiple hallways,  he began to memorize each curve on the walls and which hallway lead to where. He found himself passing by a room with various instruments, this stopped him in his tracks as he was looking specifically at the beautiful white piano with golden trims in the center, the light hitting it in just the right way.

Slowly entering the room he gently caressed the keys while admiring the proper care the instrument was given. There was not a speck of dust to be seen and it was still glossy as if it never lost its value. 

As he took a seat on the small stool in front he pressed down on one of the keys to test it out, doing it again once more he began to take off in a alluring melody. Levi then closed his eyes and let his hands do all the work as he put all of his trust in his muscle memory. 

A pleasant breeze entered the room from the cracked window as he got lost in a trance from the music he was creating. As he reached the end of the song there was a creak from the door which caused Levi to press the wrong key messing up his rhythm.

His eyes snapped open and his head sharply turned towards the door, locking eyes with a brunette woman in a maids outfit.

Giggling in amazement, Sasha fully entered the room "You really know how to work the piano, how long have you been playing for?"


Abruptly standing up he glared at her in return and gently closed the lid to the keys.

"You don't need to know"

"Awe come on, you really are talented! How come you aren't a musician huh? You really could of been high up in th-"

"Would you quit it?" he says more harshly.

Sasha then pouts and mutters something under her breath, though Levi seemed to have caught it which made his glare grow darker. This makes the maid jump as sweat starts to form on her forehead as she weakly apologizes. 

Levi then begins to make his way out the door but of course not without the brunette running after him

"That song you were playing, was it perhaps 'Red Swan'?"

The ravenette remained silent, however the silence only confirmed that she was correct.

"The princess adores that song, she used to play it all the time when she was a child" she laughed while remembering those sweet memories.

Though while she was laughing, Levi started gradually coming to a stop. As he stood there his eyes slightly widened in interest. He too used to play the song as a child, sometimes when he was really deep into it he felt as if someone else was playing along with him. This only made him wonder.

While Levi was in thought Sasha continued walking off not noticing a sense of presence was missing next to her. It wasn't until she turned her head to where he once was that she realized he was no longer walking by her side.

She immediately turned her head back seeing the male she was expecting next to her a couple feet away, she began speed walking towards him.

"Hey" she awkwardly chuckles "You had me talking to myself for a minute there, why'd you stop?" As she asks the question she couldn't help but catch that the male seemed too far into his head. Her face softened as she brought her hand up to his face and snapped her fingers bringing him back to reality.

"Follow me, there's something I want to show you" Though Levi didn't like the way his attention was grasped he followed the brown haired girl anyways.

After a couple turns down the hallway, the girl lead him into a room filled with colorful fabric. Though it was a bit messy you could tell whoever worked in this room took it very seriously.

The mess was still intolerable to the ravenette. "Why'd you take me here?"

"This.." Sasha grabs a piece of cloth on a table "Is the princess's safe place" She places the cloth onto Levi's hand. Now getting a better look he realizes it's a handkerchief with the word "(Y/N)" engraved in a gold cursive.  

His heart jumps ever so slightly at the thought of the heavenly maiden sewing her name onto the fabric he is now holding.

"She comes here whenever she has her off days" Sasha smiles "Though she seems like she's always well collected, there are times where even the princess needs time to herself" Her face then begin to slowly drop in sadness.

"Did you teach her to sew?" Levi asked as his interest peaked at learning any bit of information.

Shaking her head gently she turns to look at a small portrait displayed on the desk "The late queen did" The two now staring at a picture of a woman with (H/L) (H/C) hair and a bright smile identical to (Y/N), in the queens arms was the princess herself smiling just as bright holding tightly onto her mother.

"She passed when the wall maria broke down, poor (Y/N) wasn't herself for a couple years. It took time and a lot of patience to bring her back. During that time myself and a few other maids made sure to care for her whenever she would accidentally prick herself while being locked up in this room" the brunette then begins laughing

"I mean there was only so much I could do since the princess and I are about the same age, though technically the older maids were the one to aid her I always made sure to make her laugh!" 

Sasha then turns her had towards Levi but seeing his still stoic face her laugh slowly faded out. 

"hahaaaaaa anyways! Take a closer look at your cravat. Notice anything you hadn't before?"

This caused Levi to look down and slowly examine the white cloth, after fidgeting with it for a couple seconds he spots golden letters on the back


It takes all his might not to smile in that moment, though his face still remained straight his heart was racing. He could hear the sound of his heart beating that he completely blocked out Sasha as she continued to ramble on. 

"Wow, all this talking really made me thirsty haha" she began to sooth her throat with her hand 

"Did you want to get some tea?"

As she turned to where Levi once stood she finds that he in no longer in the room with her, be that as it may the door was wide open.

Sighing deeply she hangs her head down 

"Not again."

Fallen Angel- L.AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now