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Peace once again

Levi was making his way into the cookhouse 

He had heard the final request the brunette made however he would rather spend his evening with the adored princess than a maid, though who knows when that would be.

So alias, there he was by himself intending to enjoy a nice warm cup of earl grey tea while enjoying the view of the lovely garden.

As he made his way to the entrance of the kitchen Levi could hear the noise of pots and pans along with a pair of footsteps running around. What followed along was this aromatic smell of a variety of different foods.

Cracking the door open just a tad bit he sees a tall blonde male in a white apron, his face held a focused expression while handling the 4 different pots. Occasionally he would put his arm back to grab spices that was on a counter behind him, he knew just which one to grab without him looking back.

Color Levi impressed.

Opening the door a bit more the hinges creaked ever so slightly causing a pair of honey eyes to move in the direction of the sound, head remaining still. His eyes widened a bit in surprise before turning his attention back to his work.

"You must be Levi"

Now walking in , the ravenette nodded his head before responding

"How'd you guess?"

Turning off the heat to each pot he placed them on a counter to the side, brushing his hands against his apron and cranking his head to relieve it from stress he then faced towards Levi.

"You're pretty infamous around here, word about the princess returning with a drabby male spreads around fast"

Levi scoffed at this while focusing his attention else where, not sure on how to respond back.

"Can I offer you something to drink? Perhaps tea?"

Even without a response the blonde male went straight to work, while waiting for the water to warm up he began to prepare the fresh leaves.

"Excuse me for asking but, what were you doing before your run in with the princess?"

The question took Levi by surprise

What was he doing?

For some reason thinking of anything beyond running through town was a blur

"I'm not too sure"

This left the blonde unsatisfied as he raised an eyebrow towards the male

"Not too sure? Were you intoxicated or something?"



Sighing deeply, Levi looked straight into the blondes eyes 

"All I can remember is waking up in a field confused, that's all"

"So you were boozed u-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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