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The pair had been walking for what felt like hours.

Though in reality that's what it felt like for (Y/n), the lovely maiden was filled with excitement to show the young man her headquarters.

For Levi however, well for him it only felt like mere seconds. He longed to stay alone together with her. She had let go of his hand a while ago when they reached a clear opening.

Oh how much he wished to feel the warmth of her hand once again.

For she made him feel something he has never before.

It is a wonder how these feelings can arise in such short amount of time.

"We've made it!" a giggle was released from (Y/N)

It was like a symphony to Levi's ears.

The young man takes a glance at (Y/N) before his gaze travels to the tall beautiful fortress ahead of him. It was surrounded by nature, as if it was overtaking it but in such a ravishing way. It looked to have been really taken care of.

A heavenly castle indeed.

Perfect for her.

Before he could react any further (Y/N) takes off once more towards the gates, holding up her dress a little to avoid tripping for she was walking much faster than before. "I can't wait for you to meet everybody" She says with a bright smile. "I feel you would really get along with them"

The corner of Levi's lip twitches slightly up before disappearing as quickly as it showed. He found her smile to be quite contagious.

As they approached the gates there was 2 men standing guard, both tall in stature. One of the guards was taller than the other and the helmets they wore blocked the public from seeing the features on their face.

The moment their eyes fell on the princess they seemed to have stiffened, frantically looking around wondering the whereabouts of the carriage and its driver. But most importantly why they were no longer with them. They could only assume the strange man following behind the admired princess has something to do with it.

Immediately they aimed their swords towards the said male. This unphased him, however it caused the maiden to jump.

Hands raised up as to stop them she quickly but sternly says "Lower your weapons gentlemen, he's with me and for long as I am here he will be staying at my estate."

"But princ-"

She softly shook her head which caused her silky locks to sway with her

"Trust me." she says while adoring a smile no one can disagree with

This convinced one of the guards to lower their sword however the other one was still holding firm. "Wha- You're really gonna give in just like that?! This poverty stricken man could've forced our highness to-"

"Jean." The other guard interrupted while placing his hand on Jean's sword lowering it. His other hand on the handle of his own. "When is the princess ever wrong? We know we can trust her. Besides she's strong. She would never force herself to do anything she didn't want"

Fallen Angel- L.AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now