
192 7 1

4th November, 2011

My eyes shot open when I rolled and instead of going further on the bed, I ended up on the floor; my back hitting the edge of my coffee table. I sat up quickly and rubbed my eyes; trying to figure out exactly where I was. I just hit my back on my coffee table and if I remembered correctly, my coffee table was in my living room.

Then I remembered why I was in my living room sleeping on the couch in the first place. I groaned and rubbed my back as I remembered what had happened the night before. I blushed when I remembered the first part of the night, and how wasted Ashton and I were. The smile faded from my face the moment I remembered what happened after. When we were done Ashton had pulled the duvet to cover the both us then he pulled me into my chest and kissed the top of my head. My head was on his chest and he was lightly drawing random patterns on my arms while whispering cheesy jokes in my ear.

Then he fell asleep.

It was really cute for a while. I moved my head from off his chest and watch him while he slept. As creepy as it may seem, I actually enjoyed doing it. He looked so peaceful when he slept. His usual wild hair was a ruffled mess on the top of his head and some of it was falling into his eyes. His lips were slightly parted and his chest was rising and falling slowly with every breath he took. Then, out of nowhere came this low sound that reminded me of a croaking frog. My eyes widened when I heard it at first and I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle a giggle. For some reason he didn't strike me as the type that would snore and I found it strangely attractive.

That didn't last long though because a few moments later it started to get really annoying. It started really loud then it faded and started again. I wanted to sleep and the sound was so deafening that if someone came and banged some cymbals right in my ear I probably won't have heard it.

I tried waking him up but Ashton slept like the dead and nothing I tried was working. After a few minutes of failing to wake him up I got up and straddled him. I pinched his nose and smiled when that stopped the snoring. That was short lived when he actually opened his mouth and made a snorting noise. I rolled my eyes and climb off Ashton. I leaned over him to grab a pillow before making my way outside.

I was swearing under my breath when Ashton shuffled to the living room with my sheets wrapped around his waist. Even though I was pissed at him I was loving the way my red sheets looked against his very tanned and toned mid section. He had a very weird body and he told me it was because he used to swim when he was younger. What I could say was that his V line was very defined; like, I've never seen them look so... so incredibly sexy on a guy before. He had a small patch of brown hair smack in the middle of his chest; again, unlike any other guy I've ever seen before. Everything about him was just different and unique. Whatever he lacked in his childlike personality, he definitely made up with that body of his.

It wasn't the kind of body that would attract you at the first glance; but when you looked the second time, your ovaries kind of explode and it's all downhill from there. The bottom line was; Ashton Irwin was blessed with a well chiselled body and I actually whispered a prayer of thanks for the angels that were assigned the task of creating a sex being like him.

"Why'd you leave the bed?" He mumbled tiredly as he tied a knot around his waist; securing the sheet around him. "I was actually looking forward to waking up next to you." He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and walked further into the living room and I glared at him, making him stop in his tracks. "What's wrong?"

"My back hurts."

"Where'd you sleep?" He asked coming to sit next to me on the floor.

"On the couch because you sound like a frog when you sleep."

I Remember Us ~ ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now