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24th June, 2014

I closed my eyes tighter and turned over burying my face further into my pillow. If I ignored it long enough, maybe the ringing would stop. I told myself as my phone, to my horror, continued to ring. I rolled over and picked it up, rolling my eyes as I saw who it was.

"Ashton." I whined. "What?"

"My birthday is next month!" Ashton yelled and I cringed and moved the phone away a bit. It was a little too early in the morning for all that energy he was trying to shove down my throat.

"So is mine but you don't see calling you at ungodly hours in the morning to brag about it. What is it that you want?"

"Luke, it's like 10 AM it's not that early."

"What. Do. You. Want?" I groaned sitting up in bed and trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Do you wanna hang out today? I have something I wanna get done and I need the company. So... are you up for a bitching day with me?"

"Why can't you take your girlfriend?"

"It's not really something I would want to take my girlfriend to. It's more of a 'take your guy friend' kind of thing. Are you gonna come or not? I could ask Calum but I don't really trust his judgement. Please don't tell him I said that by the way."

"Where are you going that you can't take Adria with you? A strip club?"

"No. Really Luke, are you gonna come? I really need some help and I really don't want to ask Calum. I just feel if I do I'd end up going overboard and I'd take way too long at something that's only supposed to take a few hours."

"Ask Mikey."

"Ask Mikey?! No thank you. Loo-kas! Please will you just say yes? I'm already parked outside your apartment."

"Why are you talking in codes? What is it that's so important that you need my help right this second?"

"I wanna go look for a ring for Adria. Get dressed; I'll explain everything once we get moving. I'm moving blind here. I don't know the first thing about buying an engagement ring."

"And I do? Ashton, you're the only one of us that's in the closest thing to a serious relationship. What would I know about picking out an engagement ring? I'm still trying to work up the nerve to get Reese to go out with me."

"Just come outside, Luke." Ashton said in an annoyed tone before he ended the call. It wasn't until then that it finally hit my why he called in the first place.

Ashton Irwin was going to propose to his girlfriend.


"Fuck, Ashton, it's just a ring can you please just pick one?" I groaned as I adjusted the beanie on my head. I only had it on because Ashton rushed me out and I didn't get to style my hair the way I usually did.

"It's not just a ring, Luke. I need this to be perfect. It's for Adria for crying out loud. I need the perfect ring for the perfect girl."

"Adria is nothing close to perfect." I mumbled and Ashton started laughing. He had picked me up about three hours ago and five jewellery stores later and he still hadn't found the 'perfect' ring.

"You're right. She isn't perfect. She's far from perfect actually. She is annoying and she's moody when she's on her period and she can be cranky when she doesn't get her way but that is her definition of perfect and I'm very okay with her." Ashton beamed and I almost gagged from the about of cheese.

"So... you're really serious about this relationship thing aren't you? You really going ahead with this and actually asking her to marry you?"

"Yeah, yeah I am. Ain't it great?"

"Ashton, you know marriage is like forever right? Are you positive this is what you want to do?" I asked just to make sure he was in his right mind. Ever since he'd started going out with her close to three years ago let's just say he'd gotten a bit more... impulsive.

"I'm positive, Luke. Look, I really, really love her and I just think..." He paused and dropped his head to hide his blush and I smiled because I'd never seen him act like this over anyone before. "I-I think this could be it. I really think she could be the one."

"Well, you won't be dragging me around all day looking for a ring if you didn't think that Adria was the one; won't you?"

"I guess so." Ashton shrugged.

"When are you gonna ask her?" I asked stuffing my hands in my pockets and studying the rings that were on display. To me; they all just looked the same.

"On my birthday. That'll show her to surprise me. She'll never see this one coming." Ashton said pointing to a ring and asking the guy to see it.

"What happens on your birthday?"

"She always goes out of the way and does something really great that just blows my mind and I will not stand for it this year."

"Really? Like what?"

"Seriously? We've been friends for years Luke." Ashton said in a surprised tone and I shrugged because I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Just tell me, Ashton." I said as he held up the ring for me to see. I smiled and nodded, telling him that was the ring he needed to buy. That was what I was basically telling for the last three hours because, like I said; they all looked the same.

"Yeah." Ashton said bringing the ring closer to his eyes. "This is the ring. It's perfect. It really is. I like this one best. It's the perfect ring for th-"

"For the perfect girl, I know." I said finishing the statement for him. "You were telling me about the awesome birthday surprises?"

"Right, right... So, the first birthday I had when we were together she got me that drum set. I did not see that one coming. Man... I still have that drum set and I love it so much."

"I know you love it, Ash. Every single person that lives in your building knows how much you love that drum set. Now, what was the other surprise?"

"That hiking trip to New Zealand. I still don't know how she managed to pull that one off. That was also a good birthday. So now... I know she's gonna wanna top what she did last year so I'm prepared for her this year. When she lays her surprise on me I'm gonna propose then I will win."

"Win what?"

"Well... nothing really. I will just be the king of surprises." Ashton shrugged as he handed his credit card so he could pay for the ring.

"I must say; you're very mature." I smirked as the salesman handed him the ring in a velvet box. Ashton thanked the man and stuffed his credit card back into his pocket. He opened the box and held it up for me to see again.

"It's a really nice ring, she's gonna love it."

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to ask her."

"I'm happy for you, Ashton. You deserve this." I smiled as we walked out the store. Ashton stopped walking and put his hand to my chest; making me stop in my tracks.

"I hope you know I will fucking kill you if you as much as hint what I did today." He said glaring at me.

"I know Ashton. I'm not Michael."

"I'm not kidding, Luke. If you tell her; I will murder you."

lashton is everytthing.

i literally only had one reason for updating this... idk if people still read this but i started this luke story... more like a book and i'm seriously wondering if i should start posting it *waits for people to not comment their thoughts*

oh!! for those who still read this you guys rule! you should wake up next to your fave.

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