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6th September, 2011

I rolled my eyes as I saw the name pop up on the caller's ID. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk to him it was just that I didn't want to talk to him.

"What is it, Luke?" I asked into the phone as I pushed pause on my game. As far as any of my friends knew; I wasn't even supposed to be home today. I had purposely told them I'd be busy because I wanted the day to myself to break a few of my high scores. "I told you I was going to be busy all day."

"Michael, we all know you're gonna be gaming all day; give it up." Luke muttered.

"What do you want, Luke?" I groaned already a tad pissed off that my day was about to be completely ruined.



"Okay! So, Ashton is here."

"Fuck." I mumbled already knowing what was about to happen.

"Yeah, he and Adria had a fight. Something about her not being right for him or some shit like that. I wasn't really paying attention."

"Oh shit, shit, shit, cock!"

"Precisely. That means that at any mom-" Luke wasn't even done with his statement when there was a loud banging on his door.

"She's here." I whispered into the phone and I frowned when I heard Luke chuckle. "Get me out of this Luke. I'm gonna owe you forever. Please." I begged. I really was not in the mood to play referee to another Ashton and Adria fight. It was always one continuous cycle whenever they fought; she came to me and Ashton went over to Luke. If things got worse Calum was usually dragged in as a tie breaker.

"She's already there. You know she'll call you if you don't answer."

"Then I'll just not answer. I really don't wanna listen to her go on all day about what a bitch she thinks my best friend is. I mean; I feel like I'm betraying Ashton when I listen to her."

"Don't worry; Ashton feels that way too. Just... let her in. She always buys you pizza when she comes over." Luke said reasoning with me as Adria continued to pound at my door.

"That's not gonna make me want to let her in."

"Yeah, right. Go open the door and let her in. The faster you can reason with her, the quicker I can get Ashton off my couch. He fell asleep." Luke said before ending the call.

I sighed and walked over to the door and took a few deep breaths before opening it. Adria was breathing heavily on the other side of the door and her eyes were a little puffy but her cheeks were completely dry.

"What took you so long?" She sniffed as she pushed past me and walked into the apartment. "I already called the pizza place by the way."

"I was taking a shit, Adria. What brings you here?"

"No reason, I just felt like hanging out." Adria shrugged as she dropped herself on the couch. I rolled my eyes and sat next to her.

"Really? You just wanted to hang out? Your eyes are all puffy and red? Were you crying or something? Is it something with Ash?"

"How did you know?" Adria asked as she scowled at me.

"Lucky guess. So, what was the fight about this time?"

"We didn't fight. I just broke up with him."

"You WHAT?!" I asked because I know there was no way I could've heard right. I knew that they were an unusual pair but I expected them to last way longer that just a few months. Ashton was already whipped by her before they started dating so I knew this breakup was not mutual.

I Remember Us ~ ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now