
110 6 0

17th March, 2013

"Where are we going?" Ashton asked and I rolled my eyes because this was about the millionth time I heard that question since I picked him up about an hour ago.

Something happened today and I just felt the impulsive desire to get another tattoo. I know I had like three already but there wasn't a law prohibiting me from getting another on and it wasn't like my job would be affected either so I just decided to go for it. Just because I liked to bother him (and for other obvious reasons) I asked Ashton to come with me; only I didn't tell him where I was going and he had been nagging me since I met him at our usual spot.

We both had a cup of coffee before I dragged him down the street to the tattoo parlour that was just a few blocks ahead.

"Ashton, if you make use of those long legs of yours, we're gonna get there faster." I mumbled grabbing his hand and intertwined our fingers as we waited to cross the road. He huffed and turned around, allowing his eyes to scan the area for any clue as to where they were going. He looked ahead and squinted. It took a moment but his eyes widened with the landed on the tattoo parlour and he spun around to face me.

"We're not!" He said in disbelief and I nodded, beaming at him. "I'm not gonna get a tattoo, babe."

"Who says you're gonna get a tattoo? I think I want a new one." I said and my heart soared when I saw the smile grow on his face.

"Where are you gonna get this tattoo." He asked tugging on my hand so we could cross the road. I smirked and decided to mess with him for a bit.

"I think I want this one on my boob and I heard they had a really hot new guy doing tattoos." I said as I nibbled on my bottom lip. Ashton stopped walking and made a u-turn, dragging me behind him.

"Hey!" I said pulling my hand from his grip. He stopped and turned to scowl at me. He crossed his hand over his chest and tapped his foot on the ground. "I was just kidding. God, get the stick out your ass and just come. It'll be fun, I promise."

"Seriously, though..." Aston said as we continued walking and I sighed. "Where are you gonna get the tattoo?"

"Here!" I said pointing to my wrist. "Put away your sword; he isn't gonna be touching me inappropriately or anything." I said as I pushed the door to the tattoo parlour open.

"Good." Ashton said putting his hand on the small of my back and leading me inside.

"God. It's a good thing we weren't together when I got the feather tattoo. Lord knows you probably would've flipped out."

"I try not to think of that, thank you." Ashton said wrinkling his nose as he the place. This was another thing I loved about him. His ocd was probably kicking in and I could see him restraining himself. "What are you getting?" He asked as he shook his head and tugged me to the girl standing behind the desk. She had way too many tattoos and an equal amount of piercings.

"You'll see." I smiled as I gave my name to the girl and she motioned for me to follow her to the back. I sat down in the chair and she got out some alcohol and rubbed it on my hand.

"You're the one doing the tattoo?" Ashton asked, stating the obvious and she just turned and nodded at him before looking over to me.

"Do you want the same thing you showed me when you made the appointment?" She asked and I nodded, glancing over at Ashton who was standing in a corner of the room, looking very uncomfortable.

"Come." I said and he made his way over to me. I motioned for him to stand next to me and he did. "Just watch. Don't look so scared, God."

I closed my eyes as I felt teh familiar pinch of the needle in my skin and I tried to ignore it. Ashton was surprisingly quiet and the few times I opened my eyes I saw Ashton staring intently at my wrist. His brows were knitted together as he tried to figure out what it was I was getting.

I suddenly began to feel a bit nervous because I had no idea how he was going to take it. Before I knew it, the girl was putting the protective wrap over the tattoo and telling me I could go to the front to pay. She walked out the room and Ashton just stood there, staring at me with a blank look on his face.

"You got drumsticks." He said matter of factly as he tried to avoid eye contact with me.

"Yeah, I did." I said slowly as I got out the chair and tried to walk to the door but Ashton grabbed my hand and stopped me. He ran his fingers over the bandage and looked me in the eyes.

"I meant you got drumsticks on your wrist. You got then in the shape of an 'x'."

"I know what I got Ashton. What's the matter with it?"

"Why'd you get drumsticks?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I like drumsticks."



"Why'd you get drumsticks?"

"Because maybe I like drumsticks. And maybe I like the guy holding the drumsticks. And maybe I like the guy that makes me lose sleep because of his drumsticks. And maybe, just maybe I like the guy who gives me a fucking headache because of his drumsticks."

"You love me." Ashton beamed as he tugged on the bottom of my shirt and crashed his lips onto mine.


this was short, sorry

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