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6th September, 2012

"So... how've you been?" Evan asked and I made a show of slowly tearing my eyes away from my phone and looking up at him. I was sitting in a bar at mine and Aston's 'spot' waiting for him to meet me. It had been two hours and he still hadn't showed up. Saying I was pissed would've been the understatement of the year. I don't even think it was because he was late and I wasn't able to contact him because his phone was dead. Well... it was indirectly that. Evan had been sitting next to me for a little over an hour and all I wanted was for Ashton to come save me because my ex boyfriend was not able to tell when he was receiving the cold shoulder.

"I've been pretty good." I said taking a sip of my... fifth or seventh watermelon martini. I had honestly lost count and I wasn't getting drunk enough to survive the conversation I was currently having. Evan was a really dark and weird time of my life and I would give anything to have a hot needle to my brain so I could forget about him. I was getting tipsy but I wanted to be passed out.

"Oh." He said chuckling moving in his seat. So instead of being across from me, he was next to me. I scowled at him but he didn't seem to pick up on it. "Why are you here all alone?"

"I need a drink."

"Do you mind the company?" He asked as I finished my drink and signalled for another. I felt his hands on my thigh and even though I had jeans on I still felt the warmth from his hands. My heart swelled when his touch didn't ignite me as it usually did and I could finally truly admit to myself that I was completely over him.

I shrugged and took a huge sip of the drink that was placed in front of me by waitress who was practically naked. "Bring me four more of these." I said holding up five fingers and she smirked before heading off. I had to hand it to Evan though; he never once took his eyes off me. If this was two years ago when we were dating I would've already emptied my glass on him for eye raping the waitress who would've had on more clothing.

"I think you've had enough." He said; his hands travelling further up my thigh and I tensed. I tried telling him to move but I think I probably got my wish of wanting to be drunk because the rest of my body wasn't cooperating with my brain.

"No." I mumbled pulling the glass away and finishing it. He sighed and scooted closer to me. I groaned and rolled my eyes. I was drunk but I was still aware of how much I hated him and how much I wanted Ashton to get his nerdy, brown haired loser ass here so I could make out with him.

He leaned in and kissed my neck and I cringed when I felt his cold lips touch my skin. "Ew, what the fuck?" I said trying to push him off but he was way too strong. He tightened his hold on my thigh and I knew with my skin I'd have marks for days. I'd have to wear sweats so Ashton won't notice and ask too much questions.

Ashton. I thought as I felt the first three of my buttons lose and his hands slipped into my top. His lips were still sucking on my neck and I was trying to push him off but I had way too much alcohol in me for it to be effective.

"Evan, no." I said a little sternly and he lifted his head to look at me. He was glaring at me but I didn't even care. I was just glad he'd stopped sucking on my neck. He had just given me another mark I'd have to hide from Ashton.

"You know you want to." He said playing with the top of my shirt. I felt his knuckles graze the top of my boobs and I literally wanted to vomit. It hit me then just how much I was in love with Ashton. That nerd had somehow managed to invade my heart and set up camp. He had so much control over my hormones and emotions that I wasn't even being turned on by the hot guy that was trying so hard to fondle me. All that I was thinking about was Ashton and when he'd get here to get me out of this mess.

I Remember Us ~ ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now