~Part seven~

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-in Yoongi's house-

after we had that heart warming talk at the balcony,Yoongi felt sleepy so he went to bed and i went to my bedroom to wash up for the night.After i got into my sleeping clothes i lay in bed thinking.

wow today was actually a good day. I'm glad i got my feelings out. it was almost as a big weight was lifted of my shoulders.I hope i did the same for Yoongi he had so much going on and he stayed quite about it for so long.I don't understand why people pitied him though if someone is trying there best you should say "well done" not "oh poor you" that will just make the person think that they are doing extra hard work while others just naturally have it.i soon fell into deep slumber.

~time skip-morning-~

i slowly wake up to the voice of my mums yet again screaming... like always

"wake up you useless child.How long are you going to sleep for?"she screams pulling the covers right of me.

i sit up looking her in her eyes. i had enough of this i have to stand up for myself.

"what do you want?" i say in a mono tone

"When did i ever teach you to talk back? huh?" she yelled about to swing a slap in my direction but lucky for me i know karate and i blocked it.

"and what did i ever do to deserve this from you?" i said a bit louder

"let go  NOW!" she gritted her teeth

i got up and shoved her out of my room and i ran to my bathroom.

Did i do the right thing? i better get out this place before she tries to attack me again. i quickly wash up and change my clothes and then i grab my phone an ran out the house from the back door.(btw stream back door<3)

i had no where to go except Hobi oppa's house. i walked to the bus stop and i texted him.

                                                             ~Sunshine oppa~


                                                                   Oppa are you home?


yes why? are you coming over?


                                                                              yes i will be there in 20 minutes


ok i will order food


                                                     you don't have to


shush and im waiting


                                                                      ok ill see you in a bit


My second world ~Yoongi X y/n~Where stories live. Discover now