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ACT 1 | II
'how do I father?

 ACT 1 | II'how do I father?

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through the living room was silence and confusion that floated around the atmosphere. just a few minutes prior, you and the black-haired male that was beside you just learned the most life-changing news that was still fresh in your brains along with the shock.

you didn't know what to expect after that news. you didn't know what to think, what to do, what to say, you were in pure shock as anyone would be at that moment.

you took a minute to examine the features of the twins that sat in front of you, fascinated with the sport that played on the TV. because of that examination, you saw the resemblance and anyone could see that they were Kiyoomi's kids.

their black hair with the little curls that sat on their head, to their small cute noses made them seem like mini versions of Kiyoomi.

Instead of the 2 moles on his forehead, Hatsumi had one dot under each of her eyes which made her look so much cuter than she already was, and Harumi had one black dot at the tip of his nose. the only thing that they got from their mother was her light blue eyes.

snapping out of your deep thinking you turned your head to the volleyball player who had been quiet this whole time, his eyes trained on the kids in front of you.

your heart ached due to the fact that you couldn't even begin to imagine what was going through his mind at that moment. but one thing that you did know was that he was for sure blaming himself.

you knew his habit of overthinking situations and how it always ended up with him saying 'I could have done better' or 'It's all my fault.'

ultimately done with this overthinking shit you sighed taking your attention from your best friend for a few seconds.

"we'll be back, cuties!" you smiled at the adorable children before grabbing Kiyoomi's wrists and tugging him up the stairs to his room.

the black-haired boy didn't say anything, but the confusion on his face was clearly evident as you closed the door to the large bedroom behind you.

silence remained with him sitting at the edge of the king-sized bed and you walking over to him cautiously.

"are you ok?"

with no response his head just dropped, looking at his hands. though he didn't say anything, that simple action was enough to notify you that he wasn't.

"Kiyoomi-" you breathed, your heart still heavy.

once close enough, your hands found it's way to his face. you holding it up while cupping his cheeks.

"How are you feeling?" you pursed your lips waiting for an answer.

once it was evident that you wouldn't get one you decided to take matters into your own hands. "look, I know it's a lot Kiyoomi, but how am I gonna help you if you don't fucking talk?"

the said man finally looked at you, "you know you have a cursing problem right?"

you rolled your eyes, slightly amused. "and you have several problems so stop stating the obvious."

you were glad that he was feeling well enough to have that daily continuous banter and took that as a sign that he wasn't completely feeling like shit.

"talk to me Kiyo!" both of your fingers poked his soft cheeks in an attempt to get some sort of reaction out of him.

he gave you a soft glare, his hands wrapping around your wrists to pull it down softly. "well to start off, I feel like an asshole."

you nodded but stayed quiet as a sign that he could continue to talk.

"am I that unapproachable? that people are so scared to tell me about my own children?" his voice faltered a bit.

"Kiyoomi- you know that's not the reason. even in the letter, Izumi said it was because she wanted you to follow your dream." your voice was stern as if reprimanding him for thinking so low of himself.

"you know how selfless she is, so don't blame this on yourself. there was no way that you could have known."

you sucked in a sharp breath, trying to gather your words because you were never the best at these kinds of speeches. "and plus right now the past doesn't even matter. stop asking yourself what you could have done, ask yourself what you can do now because there are 2 kids right downstairs who have been deprived of a father figure in their life. so if you really want to make it right then take action now."

that whole speech came out in one breath, leaving you breathless right after. "also if you're scared then you don't have to be because I'll be here to help you so don't worry Kiyo. put on your big boy pants!"

"We can do this together if that's what you want." your hands raked through his hair.

silence lingered with you comforting the man in front of you and with him absorbing your words that penetrated him like a sharp knife.

"we'll do this together." his voice came out like a whisper.

"huh?" you barely caught what he said.

"I'm going to make up for those years that I missed and become the father figure that they need with you by my side." his confidence came back with each word he uttered.

"that's the Kiyoomi I know!" you tackled him into a hug that was filled with adoration.

"what would I do without you?"

"probably die," you spoke, reminiscing about the times that you had each other's backs.

"true." his arms tightened around your frame. "now, how do I be a father?"

"don't ask me!!"

"don't ask me!!"

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