Anna Saves Van Helsing

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Meanwhile, at Transylvania, Anna was worried. 

"The bracelet hasn't signalled me yet. He must be safe," she thought. "But yet, it's been three days, and yet he hasn't contacted me!"

"Oh my love," she said to herself. "How I wish I could come to you now!"

Just then, the bracelet that she had on her wrist, glowed.

Seeing it, Anna got horrified. "He needs me now!" she yelled. She then raced out of the castle, mounted her horse and set off.

At the same time, in London, Tourmaline was causing havoc there and here. 

"Van Helsing, you can do it!" said Carl. 

Van Helsing took out a pair of special guns from his cloak. He aimed them at the dragon, which was now in front of a huge pine tree, snarling at all the frightened civilians.

"Take that!" he said, and two big anchors hooked on thick, strong ropes, emerged out of the guns. This chained Tourmaline to the tree, and the beast was unable to move.

Van Helsing then went near it.

"Killing you would mean killing your master, and I have to call him here, so that he falls in front of my eyes."

He looked keenly at Tourmaline's glowing silver head horn, and touched it.

Immediately, there was a pop, and Gealtach Mehabhair, a skinny, haggard, pale old man, came into view.

Van Helsing was surprised as to how the psychotic looked so sick. 

Gealtach was dismayed when he saw all his power tied to the tree like that . 

"Who did this! And you..." he said, turning towards Van Helsing, "Gabriel Van Helsing, the famous monster-hunter. Your fame precedes you."

"Get ready, because all your power is gone now!" roared Van Helsing. He pulled a dagger out of his belt, and stabbed Tourmaline right in the chest.

"Nooooo! Tourmaline!" Gealtach cried as he dissolved away into nothingness.

But Van Helsing didn't realise that Tourmaline had pierced its nails into his chest before dying. He was now feeling a sharp pain shoot through his body.

"Aaaaah! Carl!" he yelled.

"Van Helsing! Are you alright?" the friar asked, running towards him. 

Van Helsing had fainted. His face was now slowly turning blue. 

"VAN HELSING!" Carl bellowed, running to his side. "What happened to you?"

"Move, Carl!" screamed a lady's voice.

"Princess Anna? What are you doing here?"

Anna ignored his question. She ran towards her ailing lover, and made him lie on her lap. '

"Van Helsing, it's me Anna! Your Anna! Open your eyes!" she cried, with tears in her eyes.

His face was now becoming bluer.

"Van Helsing, you promised me that we'll get married, and I'll give you as many children as possible! You can't leave me alone!"

She cried and cried and cried, but Van Helsing did not wake up.

"Van Helsing! Wake up!"

She sobbed continuously, her lovely face stained with tears.

Just then, some of her tears fell on Van Helsing. Immediately, the blueness of his boy disappeared, and he opened his eyes.

"Anna," he said, as he gently got up. "Where's the dragon?"

"You successfully slew it! You did it again!" said Carl.

Anna hugged him tight. "You were unconscious, and you gave me a heart attack!"

Van Helsing smiled, and then, he kissed Anna so passionately, as if he had never kissed her before.

"I love you, Van Helsing," said Anna.

"I love you too, my darling princess," he said. "If it wasn't for you, I would have been dead now."

"Your love brought me back from death!"

Carl cleared his throat. "If you two are done with your romance, let us go back to Rome! Cardinal Jinette will be awaiting us!"

"Let's go, and I will make you mine at Rome," said Van Helsing.

"Yes, and I will be with you in your joys, as well as sorrows."

And so they did. They reached Rome the next day, and the whole Order celebrated Van Helsing and Anna's union.

The couple would later go on to have many adventures. They also had a happy family, and their children grew up to be brave and clever, just like them. 

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