Chapter 4

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After I put on the white clothes, I wait with Jellal until the old lady comes back. She's strange, really strange.  She has the look of someone robotic, like no expressions at all.  I am soon startled by her voice. 

"Master Jellal, is the test subject ready?" the woman says, staring into my soul. 

Test subject?

I let go a deep breath.

Breathe Erza, breathe.

"Yes, she is all ready. Now shoo, you are wasting my precious time." Jellal replies back.

Just what role is he exactly playing in this?

Jellal grabs me by the foreman, his touch feeling chilling to my body. I miss human touch. Not just romantically. Ever since the guild members started to go their separate, things don't feel the same. Sure, we still talk to each other but it's just different now. I miss the feeling of always going on adventures even if they were dangerous, and had a level of risk to it. It was just so much  fun.

I feel like I have a role to play. That I cannot just be me. I always have to be the best of my game. I must be the badass warrior, who will defeat all her foes with a strike of her sword. I finally met people who I can count on. Who don't expect me to be this sort of perfect, magical being. They see me: a fierce girl, but a fierce girl with a heart and feelings.

Jellal notices my change in attitude. He can always notice when something is off. He bends close towards my ear and whispers something "Erza dear, I understand you are stressed but don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you."

"I don't need you to protect me," I walk forward so I break his grip, but he just grabbed me again.

"I am well aware," he says, smiling. He gives my arm a quick squeeze, then continues to walk.

"Erza," Jellal says while walking "Make sure you trust your instincts, when they tell you to fight back, just do it. Understand me Erza?"

I nod my head in response.

He leads me into another white room, but with a bench in the middle. "Just wait here until I bring in the Professor"

I sit on the bench, even more confused than before. Jellal is going through a lot of trouble for this one commision. I hope he at least get decent pay - and pay me for all this absurdity too.

Jellal comes in with a man. Or if you could describe him a man. He has almost chestnut coloured hair, with gray streaks popping out. His body type is weak and scrawny, and he looks like he lacks muscle. He would not be able to throw a decent punch at all. This is the man I have to worry about?

"Aah, Jellal! You captured her... and managed to tame her too. The mighty Erza, the Titania, the Scarlet Warrior defeated. Maybe she isn't so powerful after all?" he laughs with genuine pleasure written all over his face. That bastard. Does he think he can get away, after  belittling me like that? I'll kill him. I'll them all. Anyone who stands in my way. No one shall ever mock my name. Not ever again.

Jellal stays silent, as the foreign man grabs me and pushes me down on the bench.

Stay calm, Erza. Don't engage. Don't react. Just stay calm.

He attaches me to rope that I didn't see before. I look at him with my frightened eyes and he just smiles more.

Once he's done roping me up until I could not move my limbs anymore, he steps back.

He takes one look at Jellal, then looks back at me. Sparks of magic starts flying out of his hand.  Black tendrils start moving towards me. 

As soon as the first bit of magic reaches me, I let out a scream. Searing pain is all that I can feel.

Stay calm stay calm stay calm. Stay calm.

I managed to glance at Jellal. He was completely still, completely calm? He was staring straight into my eyes. The only difference to his expression is his slightly widened eyes.

More pain comes, and I can't take it anymore.

Help me, Jellal. Help me!  You promised nothing  would happen to me. This is not nothing.

Jellal finally looks worried. "Stop this." he says sternly.

"Oh Jellal. Do you still have your petty feelings for this girl. You said it was over. That you would give your old live up. But your still attached?" he sneers. "Pathetic"

Jellal makes a burst of gold magic, and throws it to the Professor. The darkness overtakes it easily.

"Isn't this even more pathetic! You're insulting her by doing this. She's the Titania. She doesn't need your help. She doesn't need to you save her. I guess I was right, she's just a weak, little girl who acts tough. Erza Scarlet is breakable. Quite easily at that too." he snickers.

I notice that the black tendrils has lessened.

"Erza is a fierce woman, who is strong and brave. That doesn't mean she cannot rely on people sometimes. If I was ever in a difficult situation, I know she would come to my aid and I shall do the same. I am no way saying that she can't do this herself, but I'm giving her a helping hand." Jellal looks straight into my eyes.

Trust your gut

I get up as far as I could with the ropes on. and transform into the first armour I could think of, but it was anything but armour. I was in my Clear Hearts Clothing, but I still had two swords. The sheer force of the transformation was able to break the ropes, so I stand free. 

The Professor's magic takes over the whole room leaving everything black. 

My heartbeat starts to pick up, looking for any sign of movement I could use to attack. I keep searching until I realise Jellal is standing right next to me.

He grabs hold of my hand and whispers "Trust me, Erza. You've done enough."

As much as I don't want to, I let out a sigh and drop my guard down. Gold magic bursts from Jellal, but it was sharp and exact. The magic hits the Professor exactly on his jugular vein, paralyzing him.

The room goes back to white, with my hand still in Jellal's. 

"Erza, now it's up to you whether or not you want to kill him. Keeping him paralyzed is all I need."

"I'd rather not want my hands stained red with his blood. Now you got some explaining to do."

"Oh, yes" he chuckles, in a way I can't help but love. 

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