Chapter 5

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He guides me outside the compound that I didn't realize we were even. That brings me back to the topic of discussion. "Now, who told you it would be a good idea to kidnap me, instead of just telling me?" I say straight to his face.

"Honestly, I'm not sure." He smiles sheepishly. "I guess I just thought you wouldn't agree to do this, and tell me that all this was reckless. If I brought you there by force then you would have to go along with my idea."

"Please never do that again. If we are to continue to be friends, you need to respect my boundaries, and I guess you were right. I would tell you that this was reckless. What even was that?!"

"Okay," He sighs. "So you know the Professor: he is an alchemist. Not the type that deals with metal. No, much worse." I raise an eyebrow. "He takes the blood of a magic user, turns the blood into powder, and uses it sort of as a drug."

"A drug?"

"I'm not sure exactly how it works but I believe it temporarily gives power to a user"

"Hm... This doesn't seem much of an issue though, the power probably won't work that well, and the opponent could easily overcome it."

"That's not the point. He's an alchemist. With this method of power already created. He could enhance it, make it more powerful."

"But we paralyzed him, what's the point of worrying now."

"He's the one who made it, but he works under a guild. The Professor has never revealed the name to me, but I know that it's quite the big cooperation and it's growing every single day."

"So you wanna stop the drug before it can get sold"


"What's the plan for us, now"

"Us? Erza, just a  couple minutes ago you were in agonizing pain. I can't include you in this"

"Jellal, you're seriously saying this now. To me? Yikes, you are clearly clueless about what to say to girls."

"Erza, I don't care. You're not going to come and I will not tell you what I plan to do."

"Jellal, I don't need your plan to fix this problem. If you don't let me help you, I'll find a way myself to stop this."

"You don't know enough to create a viable plan that will work. Stay out of this. Please" He tries to take my hand but I rip it off.

"No Jellal! I'm just so tired of your bullshit! You can't just drag me into this and then leave me out after you're done using me. No, that's not fair."

"Erza! Stay out of it! Anyways, I hate arguing with you. Would you like me to take you to anywhere, the guild perhaps? It's late."

"Do you even know who you're talking to!" I storm off without looking back. I suddenly see magic surround me. A black, shadowy hand grabs me and closes gently around my ribs. Damn! I forgot. One of Jellal's power was the Dark Grab. I try and transform into one of my armors but somehow the magic surrounding me stops my ability. Every fight I put up against it, fails and the hand slightly tightens more.

"Sorry Erza, I have to do this. I hope no hard feelings" No hard feelings, my ass! Suddenly, I feel a wheezy feeling. Before I know it, I've been teleported back to the guild. The only problem was, that the hand was still attached to my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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