Chapter 2: The Text

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Mel, it's Andi.
I'm in some trouble.
Meet me at the dine in tomorrow, alone.

"Shit," I sighed, "seriously, Andi?"

"Shhhhh." Sam sleepily shushed me, "Sleep."


The next morning, I took the liberty of doing the breakfast run as the boys called Bobby about a new case. It gave me time to meet Andi at the diner.

I walked in to see her familiar dyed hair and went to sit down in front of her.

"So, Andi." I began, "What brings you to town?"

"I accidentally made a deal."

"You WHAT?!"


I lowered my voice, "Are you stupid? Why the fuck would you make a deal? And with demons of all things!"

"I don't know! I was drunk, and not in my logical mind!"

"You could've called me!" I exclaimed, feeling hurt.

"Yeah, and I didn't until now!"

I facepalmed, this was my best friend of ten years. Someone who was incredibly smart and never, EVER made a mistake that could cost her life. So why would her drunk ass make a fucking DEAL with the CROSSROADS DEMONS!

"Okay, so, what do you want me to do?" I asked her.

"Help me not have my soul taken away in three years."



I returned to the motel with breakfast for the boys, I decided to skip since I lost my appetite over Andi and the news she gave me. I must've been pale in the face, because Sam immediately rushed over to me.

"Are you okay, baby?"

"Yeah, I'm...I'm fine."

"No, you're not. You're pale and you're sweating." Dean said, coming over and kneeling down to my level.

"Go lay down, do you need your notebook?" Sam asked.

"Yes, please." I mumbled as I trudged over to my bed.

My notebook is where I can open up if I'm sworn to secrecy. Andi's deal is one of those times. I couldn't just tell Sam and Dean, they'd kill the demon who made the deal, and that wouldn't fix anything. I had to go for the king of the crossroads, wherever he was.

Sam gave me my notebook and sat at the foot of the bed, giving me my space.

Andi Savai made a deal with a crossroads demon while drunk, she wanted her mom to get better and will have her soul collected in three years. This sucks because I've known this girl my whole life and for her to make this stupid fucking deal hurts. She's gonna hurt everyone around her, me, her mom, her dad, her family.

Maybe if I hadn't gone hunting in the first place....or if I had even trained her to hunt, this could've been avoided. This is my fault. It's my fault she's in this situation and now I gotta get her out of it.

Crowley is the king of the crossroads demons, so now I gotta hunt him down and fight with him about reversing Andi's deal. It's gonna cost quite a bit, but I'm willing to sacrifice whatever possible to keep my best friend alive.

I sighed and snapped the notebook shut, refusing to give it to either of the boys.

"How bad is this?" Sam asked.

"You don't want to know." I responded, quietly, as if I would break the thread of trust I had with Andi.


While the boys slept that night, I started researching Crowley, any locations, any sightings, anything, I needed to find him.

"Dammit!" I slammed the laptop shut, "Nothing! How is there nothing?!"

I gave up and crawled into bed next to Sam, kissing his cheek as I fell asleep. I love this boy, I truly do. I'd do anything to make sure he was happy.


It's been three months since I first was told about Andi's deal. I had finally found Crowley and got into contact with him via Bobby.

Only thing is...he told me that I have to leave the Winchester boys before I meet him, meet privately to ensure that nothing happens to him.

So, Bobby recommended that I make a potion, I never told him why I had to find Crowley, but man I got an earful from him.

"If I find out you made a deal with a crossroads demon, I will kill you myself and make sure those fuckers NEVER get your soul. Ya idjit!"

So, while out on hunts with the boys, I was able to collect ingredients needed for this potion.

I just hope it works...

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