Chapter 1: New Case

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"What do we got?" I asked, tossing my bag off my shoulder onto the greasy floor of our motel room.

"Six victims, M.E.'s all say some animal attacked them." Sam, my boyfriend, answered.

"Werewolves? Again?" Dean, his brother, asked, clearly exhausted from all these back to back hunts we've been doing.

"Seems as such. Any pattern?" I asked, undoing my braid.

Sam sighed, "All male, neighbors and friends of the victims claim that these guys haven't done anything wrong though."

"That's what they think, lemme go talk to them." I suggested, walking towards the bathroom after picking up my bag.

"You're not going alone." Dean called after me.

"Like I didn't already know." I replied.

I stripped off my flannel, undershirt, jeans, red cloth choker, and sneakers, replacing them with my more professional suit. Looking into the mirror, I braided my hair again, much tighter than last time, and stared into my reflection. My own brown irises stared back.

"MEL! ARE YA DONE YET?" Dean called.

"Don't worry, just measuring my dick!" I called back, giggling to myself.

"Smartass, get out here!"

"I'm coming! Chill!" I said as I walked out of the bathroom, tying the red cloth choker around my wrist using my other hand and my teeth.

Sam was already dressed in his suit, so he and I got in the car and drove to our first victim's house. We approached one of the neighboring houses and knocked on the door. A lady in her mid thirties opened the door, short brown hair in a bob cut, gunmetal blue eyes. I noted her eyes as Sam introduced us.

"Hi, I'm Agent Stone, this is Agent Benson, we're from the FBI." Sam said as we showed our badges.

"How can I help?" she asked, opening the door a bit wider.

"Your neighbor, Jason, do you know if he had any enemies or did anything to upset a partner or spouse?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

"Oh, I wouldn't know. He seemed like a very nice man." she lied.

I could tell she was lying, you know the phrase "the eyes are the windows to the soul"? I take that phrase quite literally, I can look into someone's eyes and tell if they're lying or not, it's a gift, very useful for this type of work. I noticed this woman also had a bandaged arm and a cut above her eyebrow.

"Miss, I would advise that you tell us the truth," I calmly said, "we want to find out what happened to your neighbor so nobody else dies the same way he did."

"There's a pattern?" she asked.

"All the other victims died the same way he did," Sam explained, "we want to find out if an animal did this or maybe even a human."

"Oh my...well. Jason and I had a bit of an on and off fling. He made it clear after the first time that it was a one time thing and he had a girlfriend but he always came back."

"So you two had a sexual relationship?" I questioned.


"How old was Jason?" Sam asked.

"Oh, I don't know. About mid twenties."

"And you're...?"

"Thirty four." she confidently responded, "Why are you asking?"

She kept her eyes on Sam as we questioned her, shifting every now and again to look more promiscuous. I cleared my throat, her eyes snapping over to me.

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