A while later

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Bettys POV

It is currently December 10th and I have been cleared to do gymnastics again, and since the olympics are in June I have a few months to get all my routines down. I sat up and looked at the monitor and Archie was looking at Ev then I heard him say "Oh Eve I now its been like 3 months but I will never forgive myself for hurting you. I am so thankful that your parents gave me another chance." I smiled and then I felt Jug wrap his arms around me, "are you ready to start gymnastics again?" I smiled and looked at Jug "yes I am ready." He nodded and I gave him a kiss, "you know I think we should make plans for this weekend just the 2 of us since Chuck and Archie will be leaving to go visit there parents tomorrow," I nodded and said "I would love that but what about Everleigh?" Jug smiled and said "I love that you don't think of the obvious. My parents will watch her and we will be baby free for the night." I nodded and then got up and got ready for gymnastics. 

While at gymnastics Jug was sat playing with Eve and I was working on my beam routine and I was focused on my dismount. Once I did my routine 3 time with no mistakes I moved on to bars, as I was chalking up my hands I heard Ev yell "Mama" I giggled and waved then I worked on my routine and since it is my favorite and best event my 3 run throughs were great then I worked on vault I went to Jug and I got a drink then I kissed Evs head and I grabbed my braces for vault. 

Later after practice we got are competition leotards and then we got some sweats and jackets that we wear over the leotard. After I got my stuff I went to Jug and he handed me Ev and then he grabbed the diaper bag and we headed to the car, I put Ev in her car seat and then I got in and Jug drove us home. Once we got home Ev was fussy so I took her to her room and rocked her to sleep and I put her down for a nap. After Ev was asleep I went to the bathroom and got cleaned up and then I got in one of jugs shirts and in some sweats Jug came upstairs and gave me a hug and I got so confused "Jug are you okay?" He pulled away and said "yes I just love you and once Chuck and Archie leave we get a whole day together just the 2 of us." I smiled and gave Jug a kiss. 

I took a nap and I woke up an hour later and Jug walked in "Betts can you feed her I have to take this call." I nodded and I fed Ev and waited for Jug to come back. "Hey Betts my mom called and asked if we would join them for dinner." I nodded and then I got up and said "let me get dressed then I will dress Ev." He nodded and left the room and I put on a simple dress and then I took Eve to her room and I got out this cute outfit: 

I got Eve all ready and then I went downstairs and Jug was waiting "Well don't you to look cute." I gave Jug a kiss and Ev pushed his face away and made a little noise and I giggled then Jug took Ev and said "now you little princess need to remember she is mine but also yours I guess." Jug kissed her head and she smiled then we headed out to go to the restaurant to eat dinner with Jugs family. 

Once we got to the restaurant we went in and I was carrying Ev and she was looking around scared, I kissed her head then she put her head in my neck. Once we got to the table Janna attacked Jug and hug him tight, "Hey Janna." She said hi to both of us and then she rubbed Eves back and said hi. We sat down and a waiter came over "Hello my name is James can I start you off with something to drink?" He looked at Fp and went around the table and when it came to Gladys, JB, Janna and I he said "and for you beautiful." He was really kind, "Okay I will get those in and would you like a high chair for the little cutie?" Jug said "please" he nodded and then left to get the drinks and a high chair. "So guys whats new?" I smiled and looked at Jug but he gestured for me to go first, I sat up and said "well I just got my competition uniform and I have my first Olympic event in January, and this little cutie will be 1 year old soon." Gladys nodded and then the waiter came and gave us are drinks and the high chair so Jug took Ev and strapped her in, and then we ordered are food and James left to put it in. 

Once we got are food I got out the diaper bag and I got a container of baby food since Ev likes it, "Jug give this to Ev please" I said he took it and gave it to Everleigh and she grabbed it and started feeding herself since she is good at it. While eating are dinner Janna was just moving the food around her plate "Janna is something wrong?" She looked at Jug and said "I just wish we saw you guys more." Jug sighed and said "Janna I know how much you miss us and I miss you too, we are just really busy. But I promise we will try to do this more often so you can see Everleigh and hang out with me and Betty." She nodded and then started eating her food and then we all did too.

Jugs POV

Everleigh finished eating and she kept saying "dada, dada, dada" I smiled at her and she showed me her hands she had food on her hands and all over her face, I chuckled and said "Okay princess do you want mama or dada to clean you up?" She looked at me and then Betts and said "dada dada" I nodded and said "okay lets get you cleaned up princess" I picked up Ev and Betty handed me the diaper bag, and then I went to the bathroom and I pulled down the changing table and I laid down a mat so that Ev didn't touch the actual table, I laid her down and then I pulled up her onesie and changed her diaper then I took her to the sink and I got out a wash cloth then I wet it and wiped her face and hands then I packed her stuff back up and then I grabbed the bag and put the table up. 

Once I got back to the table I sat down and put Ev in her high chair then I gave Betty the diaper bag, "Jughead do you want dessert?" My mom asked I looked at Betty and she said "we were thinking of getting this cookie thing and we can share," I nodded and said "yeah I will share with Betts and you guys." We ordered it and then made some conversation and then my mom asked "oh can you guys watch Janna on Monday she doesn't have school but we have work." I nodded and Betty said "we would love to she can stay in the guest room" My parents thanked us and then are dessert was delivered we all grabbed a spoon and enjoyed the sweet treat. 

Once we finished my parents insisted they pay the bill, Betty argued but my parents didn't cave, so Betty gave up and let them pay and then we headed out, Betty took Ev and Janna wanted me to carry her so I did "mommy can I go to big brothers?" Janna asked sadly my mom said "you have school tomorrow." She then begged and I couldn't take her being sad "mom its fine I will take her to school tomorrow and then I can pick her up, also tomorrow is Friday so Archie and Chuck will be leaving and we can drop her off after work." My mom nodded and I said "okay Janna we just need to get you pjs and clothes for school, she nodded and then I got her in my car in her car seat and then I drove to my parents house since Betty and Ev were all ready in the car. Once we got to my parents Janna went with my mom inside and then they came back with a bag and another bag on a hanger, "so Jug this is her pjs and stuff she needs to sleep, and in this bag it has her school uniform." I nodded and then Janna said by to my mom and then she got in the car and we headed home. When we got home Betty was super tired so I sent her to bed and then I got Jannas clothes and Ev. I put Janna to bed and then I rocked Ev to sleep, and then I went to mine and Bettys room and I kissed Bettys cheek then I got changed into sweats and then I got into bed and I wrapped my arms around Betty and fell asleep.

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