Thanksgiving day

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(Jug, Betty, EV, Gladys, Janna, JB, FP)

Bettys POV

I woke up early on November 26th and I got into the shower and I got ready for the day I got dressed into a shirt that said 'there is a little turkey in the oven' and Jug picked it out so I grabbed his clothes, I felt arms wrap around my waist and Jug placed a kiss on my neck "are you ready for today?" "Yeah" "if you need a break let me know and if you need a nap I want you to go nap okay?" "Okay Jug" I gave him a kiss on the lips before he went to shower and get dressed. I went to the kitchen and I grabbed all of stuff needed to make the food, and I got out stuff to make a little breakfast, I went with just eggs and bacon. Jugs parents and JB came downstairs and they sat at the dining room table that Jug had set up when we came downstairs, "okay since we are eating a big meal later I went with a simple eggs and bacon breakfast" "thanks Betty" "of course I'm going to go get Ev" "and I will get Janna" me and Jug got up and we went upstairs, Jug went to Jannas room and I went to Evs, I lightly shook her and she mumbled something "hey baby, breakfast is ready" Evs eyes open so big and she sat up, "really?" "Yeah. Lets get you dressed" I put Ev in shirt that said 'sweeter than pumpkin pie' and then I put her in a brown skirt and a brown hair band with a gold bow then we went downstairs to have breakfast. 

When breakfast was over Jug insisted on doing the dishes and I took Ev and Janna outside to play, "okay girls be careful" Ev went over to the toy car she has and she buckled her baby doll into the seat and then she drove in circles, and Janna was playing with her Barbie dolls. "Hey Betts. How-" I looked at Jug and he smiled when he saw Ev and Janna bonding and playing with Jannas Barbie dolls, Jug kneeled down next to me and he kissed my cheek, "I'm glad that they are bonding" "me too" I kissed Jug softly and then he went inside to start the thanksgiving dinner, "mommy, I sleepy" "okay lets get you down for a nap" I kissed her head and picked her up, "Janna lets go inside" Janna ran over and we went inside and she went to the living room and I took Ev upstairs to her room and I got her down for a nap in about 10 minutes, and then I decided to go to sleep myself and 'recharge my batteries' so I got into some sweats and I cuddled up into bed and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Jugs POV

When I got the turkey in the oven I went to go check on Betty, since she has been upstairs for about 30 minutes. I checked Evs room and she was asleep with her night light on and then I went to mine and Bettys room and she was cuddled up into my pillows sleeping, I smiled and walked over and I placed a kiss on her head before going back downstairs to the living room "hey guys what are you watching?" "We're watching 'remember the Titans' its a football movie" I nodded and sat on the couch, "big brother?" "Yeah?" "Can I sleep?" "Yeah. Do you want to go to your bed?" "No I wanna stay with you" "okay but I will have to get up later to cook" "okay" I laid on the couch and Janna snuggled into me and she fell asleep and I watched movies with my parents "hey Jug. Do you want me to go do some cooking while she sleeps" "would you mind?" "No not at all" "okay that would be great" my mom and dad went to the kitchen and I stayed with Janna. When Betty came downstairs she looked angry then she saw me with Janna and her face softened, "hey baby" "hi" "are you okay?" "Yeah I thought you threw all the cooking onto your parents." I chuckled and kissed Bettys head, "no my mom offered to cook since Janna was tired and wanted to sleep with me, and my mom took my dad with her to cook" Betty nodded and I kissed her cheek and she smiled, "I cant wait to have our little girl in my arms" "I cant either Betts, maybe tonight or after when we have sometime alone we can talk about names?" "I may have told Ev she can choose the name" I laughed and Betty smiled "but I was thinking about a cute name" "what is it Betts?" "I was thinking we could name her ********* ********* Jones?" "Thats an amazing name Betts. Maybe we can get Ev to choose that" "maybe" "but I think ********* will love the name" "I think so too" I gave Betty a kiss and she smiled and laid her head on my shoulder. When Janna woke up she went to play with her dolls and I went to the kitchen to check on the dinner.

Bettys POV

When it was time for thanksgiving dinner I went upstairs and I got Ev and I got JB from the room she was staying in, "Hey JB dinner is ready" "okay" JB grabbed her phone and we went to the dining room. Once we all got ready to eat we said a prayer and then we all went around and grabbed food to eat and we all talked about things, like our jobs the girls in school. "Okay per family tradition we should go around an say what we are thankful for, Ill start... I am thankful for this family, and Betty I am thankful that my son has found someone like you" I smiled and then FP went "I'm thankful for moments like these where we can all get together." "I'm thankful for my great grades and the chance that I can get into Harvard medical school on a full scholarship" JB is only in 11th grade but she can still get ready for college and I'm happy for her, "I thankful for big brother" we all laughed and then it was my turn "I'm thankful for the job I have and for an amazing fiancé who would travel the world with me for years just to go to the Olympics." Jug grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek "I'm thankful for my job opportunities, my family, Betty Ev and our new little one who we might have a name for, but that is a secret until she is born." Jug laid his hand on my bump and I gave him a kiss on the cheek "Okay Ev what are you thankful for? What makes you happy?" "I happy about baby sister, and mommy and daddy" we all smiled and then Jug ruffled her hair and we all finished our dinner and then Jug brought out the pies, "okay so we have pumpkin pie and Janna and JB since you aren't the biggest fans of pumpkin pie I did make an apple pie" we all ate our pies and talked more and joked and we had an amazing Thanksgiving, and I never got to experience a family thanksgiving like this. I got up and went upstairs and I went onto the balcony and I lightly cried, and a few minutes later Jug wrapped his arms around me, "tell me what your thinking baby" "I just wish I got to experience these kinds of thanksgivings growing up but I didnt. My mom had people over and she locked me in my room and for my dinner she gave me 1 thin slice of turkey like sandwich meat slices and then she gave me a teaspoon slice of pie and it was gross. I just wish I could have had thanksgivings like these" Jug gave me a little squeeze "Baby I know you don't like what your childhood was like but I hope you know you will have an amazing feature with me my family, Ev and *********, maybe in the feature we will have another little baby maybe a boy the next time" I giggled and pulled Jug into a passionate kiss. 

Once we were all done eating Jug did the dishes and then we decided to go to the living room and watch a movie before we called it a night an we went to bed. When Jug got Ev to bed he came and decided to shower and I cuddled up into bed and then I felt Jug hold me close to his chest and I gave him a kiss, "I love you Jug" "I love you too baby" Jug kissed my head.

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